Update to the latest jQuery/jQuery UI.

Review Request #9713 — Created March 1, 2018 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded




This change updates Djblets to use the latest versions of jQuery and
jQuery UI. The changes here are pretty straightforward:

  • bind and unbind have been removed in favor of their indentical and
    better-named on and off.
  • A change to event propagation made it so the DOMSubtreeModified
    handler inside ModalBox was causing an infinite recursion. The
    recommended way to do this sort of thing these days is with a
    MutationObserver, so I've ported the code over to use that.
  • The way that widget data is named changed, so the data key for
    the modal box changed from modalBox to uiModalBox.

This also includes a fix for the backbone JS template to update to the
latest version of that, which doesn't have any impact on code that
uses it.

  • Ran Review Board's js-tests suite.
  • Tested inline editors and the modal box.