Use --use-existing-dir with the branch command for bzr

Review Request #9693 — Created Feb. 22, 2018 and submitted




By default creating branches with an existing directory will fail in bzr.

Note: The warnings at the top are because I've turned on the -3 and -bb warnings locally.

time ./tests/
/Volumes/Augie/solarmist/rbtools/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/ DeprecationWarning: The 'new' module has been removed in Python 3.0; use the 'types' module instead.
import new
/Volumes/Augie/solarmist/rbtools/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/plugins/ DeprecationWarning: The 'hotshot' module is not supported in 3.x, use the 'profile' module instead.
import hotshot
/Volumes/Augie/solarmist/rbtools/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/ DeprecationWarning: Overriding __eq__ blocks inheritance of __hash__ in 3.x
class Key(object):
#1 Testing the cache with a high max-age value ... /Volumes/Augie/solarmist/rbtools/rbtools/api/ DeprecationWarning: buffer() not supported in 3.x
#2 Testing the cache with a zero max-age value ... /Volumes/Augie/solarmist/rbtools/rbtools/api/ DeprecationWarning: buffer() not supported in 3.x
sqlite3.Binary(entry.response_body), entry.url,
#3 Testing the cache with the must-revalidate control ... ok
#4 Testing the cache with the no-store control ... ok
#5 Testing the cache with the no-cache control ... ok
#6 Testing the cache with the no-cache control and a specified ETag ... ok
#7 Testing the cache with the no-cache control and an updated ETag ... ok
#8 Testing the cache with the no-cache control ... ok
#9 Testing the cache with the no-cache control and an updated Last-Modified header ... ok
#10 Testing the cache with the Expires header in the past ... ok
#11 Testing the cache with the Expires header in the future ... ok
#12 Testing the cache with an Expires header that is overridden ... ok
#13 Testing the cache with the Pragma: no-cache header ... ok
#14 Testing writing to the cache with non-ASCII data ... ok
#15 Testing the cache with the Vary header ... ok
#16 Testing the cache with the Vary header and different requests ... ok
#17 Testing Capabilities.has_capability with supported capability ... ok
#18 Testing Capabilities.has_capability with partial capability path ... ok
#19 Testing Capabilities.has_capability with unknown capability ... ok
#20 Testing the default values. ... ok
#21 Testing the multipart form data generation. ... ok
#22 Testing the encoding of multipart form data with unicode and binary field data ... ok
#23 Testing constructing a count resource. ... ok
#24 Testing constructing an item resource. ... ok
#25 Testing constructing a list resource. ... ok
#26 Testing constructing without guessing the resource token. ... ok
#27 Testing constructing a resource with a specific base class. ... ok
#28 Testing guessing the resource's token. ... ok
#29 Testing rewriting of extra_data__ parameters to create ... ok
#30 Testing rewriting of exta_data__ parameters to update ... ok
#31 Testing item resource fields. ... ok
#32 Testing item resource link generation. ... ok
#33 Testing access of a link field. ... ok
#34 Testing link resource link generation. ... ok
#35 Testing list resource lists. ... ok
#36 Testing access of a dictionary field. ... ok
#37 Testing iterating sub-fields of a dictionary field. ... ok
#38 Testing generation of methods for the root resource uri templates. ... ok
#39 Testing ReviewRequestResource.absolute_url with 'absolute_url' field ... ok
#40 Testing ReviewRequestResource.absolute_url with generated fallback URL ... ok
#41 Testing ReviewRequestResource.absolute_url with 'url' field ... ok
#42 Testing BazaarClient diff with file exclusion. ... ok
#43 Testing BazaarClient diff with file exclusion in a subdirectory. ... ok
#44 Testing BazaarClient diff with file exclusion in the repo root. ... ok
#45 Testing BazaarClient diff with changes between a 2nd level descendant ... ok
#46 Testing BazaarClient diff with changes only in the parent branch ... ok
#47 Testing BazaarClient simple diff case ... ok
#48 Testing BazaarClient simple diff with multiple commits case ... ok
#49 Testing BazaarClient diff with specific files ... ok
#50 Testing BazaarClient get_repository_info with child branch ... ok
#51 Testing BazaarClient get_repository_info, no branch ... ok
#52 Testing BazaarClient get_repository_info with original branch ... ok
#53 Testing BazaarClient guessing summary and description ... ok
#54 Testing BazaarClient guessing summary and description for grand parent branch. ... ok
#55 Testing BazaarClient guessing summary and description with a revision range. ... ok
#56 Testing BazaarClient.parse_revision_spec with no specified revisions ... ok
#57 Testing BazaarClient.parse_revision_spec with one specified revision ... ok
#58 Testing BazaarClient.parse_revision_spec with one specified revision and a parent diff ... ok
#59 Testing BazaarClient.parse_revision_spec with R1..R2 syntax ... ok
#60 Testing BazaarClient.parse_revision_spec with two revisions ... ok
#61 Testing BazaarClient parse_revision_spec with too many revisions ... ok
#62 Testing GitClient.create_commit with all_files set to True. ... ok
#63 Testing GitClient.create_commit with run_editor set to True. ... ok
#64 Testing GitClient.create_commit with all_files set to False. ... ok
#65 Testing GitClient.create_commit with run_editor set to False. ... ok
#66 Testing GitClient.delete_branch with merged_only set to True. ... ok
#67 Testing GitClient.delete_branch with merged_only set to False. ... ok
#68 Testing GitClient diff with divergent branches ... ok
#69 Testing GitClient simple diff with file exclusion. ... ok
#70 Testing GitClient simple diff with file exclusion in a subdir ... ok
#71 Testing GitClient diff with file exclusion in the repo root. ... ok
#72 Testing GitClient.parse_revision_spec with target branch off a tracking branch not aligned with the remote ... ok
#73 Testing GitClient.parse_revision_spec with a target branch not up-to-date with a remote branch ... ok
#74 Testing GitClient.parse_revision_spec with a target branch posted off a tracking branch that merged another tracking branch ... ok
#75 Testing GitClient.parse_revision_spec with a target branch that merged a tracking branch off another tracking branch ... ok
#76 Testing GitClient.parse_revision_spec with a target branch that has branches from different remotes in its path ... ok
#77 Testing GitClient.parse_revision_spec with target branch off a tracking branch aligned with the remote ... ok
#78 Testing GitClient.parse_revision_spec with a target branch posted off a remote branch that is aligned to the same commit as another remote branch ... ok
#79 Testing GitClient.parse_revision_spec with a target branch posted off a remote branch without any tracking branches ... ok
#80 Testing GitClient.parse_revision_spec with target branch off a branch not properly tracking the remote ... ok
#81 Testing GitClient.parse_revision_spec with target branch off a tracking branch with changes since the remote ... ok
#82 Testing GitClient diff with a local tracking branch ... ok
#83 Testing GitClient simple diff case ... ok
#84 Testing GitClient simple diff with multiple commits case ... ok
#85 Testing GitClient diff with tracking branch that has slash in its name ... ok
#86 Testing GitClient diff with a tracking branch, but no origin remote ... ok
#87 Testing GitClient diff with option override for tracking branch ... ok
#88 Testing GitClient.get_raw_commit_message ... ok
#89 Testing GitClient get_repository_info, simple case ... ok
#90 Testing GitClient.merge with an invalid destination branch. ... ok
#91 Testing GitClient.merge with an invalid target branch. ... ok
#92 Testing GitClient.merge with squash set to True. ... ok
#93 Testing GitClient.merge with squash set to False. ... ok
#94 Testing GitClient.parse_revision_spec with no specified revisions ... ok
#95 Testing GitClient.parse_revision_spec with no specified revisions and a parent diff ... ok
#96 Testing GitClient.parse_revision_spec with one specified revision ... ok
#97 Testing GitClient.parse_revision_spec with one specified revision and a parent diff ... ok
#98 Testing GitClient.parse_revision_spec with diff-since-merge syntax ... ok
#99 Testing GitClient.parse_revision_spec with diff-since syntax ... ok
#100 Testing GitClient.parse_revision_spec with two specified revisions ... ok
#101 Testing GitClient.push_upstream with 'git push' disabled. ... ok
#102 Testing GitClient.push_upstream with an invalid remote branch. ... ok
#103 Testing GitClient scan_for_server using repo property ... ok
#104 Testing GitClient scan_for_server, .reviewboardrc case ... ok
#105 Testing GitClient scan_for_server, simple case ... ok
#106 Testing GitClient parse_revision_spec with too many revisions ... ok
#107 Testing MercurialClient diff with diverged branch ... ok
#108 Testing MercurialClient diff with file exclusion ... ok
#109 Testing MercurialClient diff with empty file exclusion ... ok
#110 Testing MercurialClient parent diffs with a diverged branch ... ok
#111 Testing MercurialClient parent diffs with a simple case ... ok
#112 Testing MercurialClient parent diffs with a diverged branch and --parent option ... ok
#113 Testing MercurialClient diff, simple case ... ok
#114 Testing MercurialClient diff with multiple commits ... ok
#115 Testing MercurialClient get_repository_info, simple case ... ok
#116 Testing MercurialClient guess summary & description 1 commit ... ok
#117 Testing MercurialClient guess summary & description middle commit ... ok
#118 Testing MercurialClient guess summary & description 3 commits ... ok
#119 Testing MercurialClient guess summary & description 2 commits ... ok
#120 Testing MercurialClient.parse_revision_spec with no arguments ... ok
#121 Testing MercurialClient.parse_revision_spec with one revision ... ok
#122 Testing MercurialClient.parse_revision_spec with r1::r2 syntax ... ok
#123 Testing MercurialClient.parse_revision_spec with r1..r2 syntax ... ok
#124 Testing MercurialClient.parse_revision_spec with parent base ... ok
#125 Testing MercurialClient.parse_revision_spec with two revisions ... ok
#126 Testing MercurialClient scan_for_server when in .reviewboardrc ... ok
#127 Testing MercurialClient scan_for_server, simple case ... ok
#128 Testing MercurialClient scan_for_server when present in hgrc ... ok
#129 Testing MercurialClient (+svn) _calculate_hgsubversion_repository_info properly determines repository and base paths ... ok
#130 Testing MercurialClient (+svn) diff specifying a revision ... ok
#131 Testing MercurialClient (+svn) diff, simple case ... ok
#132 Testing MercurialClient (+svn) diff with multiple commits ... ok
#133 Testing MercurialClient (+svn) get_repository_info, simple case ... ok
#134 Testing MercurialClient (+svn) scan_for_server in svn property ... ok
#135 Testing MercurialClient (+svn) scan_for_server in .reviewboardrc ... ok
#136 Testing MercurialClient (+svn) scan_for_server, simple case ... ok
#137 Testing P4Wrapper.counters ... ok
#138 Testing ... ok
#139 Testing PerforceClient.normalize_exclude_patterns ... ok
#140 Testing PerforceClient.diff with a submitted changelist ... ok
#141 Testing PerforceClient.diff with moved files and capability off ... ok
#142 Testing PerforceClient.diff with moved files and capability on ... ok
#143 Testing PerforceClient.diff with a pending changelist ... ok
#144 Testing PerforceClient.parse_revision_spec with invalid specifications ... ok
#145 Testing PerforceClient.parse_revision_spec with no specified revisions ... ok
#146 Testing PerforceClient.parse_revision_spec with a pending changelist ... ok
#147 Testing PerforceClient.parse_revision_spec with a shelved changelist ... ok
#148 Testing PerforceClient.parse_revision_spec with a submitted changelist ... ok
#149 Testing PerforceClient.parse_revision_spec with two changelists ... ok
#150 Testing PerforceClient.get_repository_info ... ok
#151 Testing PerforceClient.get_repository_info outside client root ... ok
#152 Testing PerforceClient.scan_for_server_counter with reviewboard.url ... ok
#153 Testing PerforceClient.scan_for_server_counter with encoded reviewboard.url.http:|| ... ok
#154 Testing SVNClient diff with file exclude patterns ... ok
#155 Testing SVNClient diff with exclude patterns in a subdir ... ok
#156 Testing SVNClient diff with repo exclude patterns in a subdir ... ok
#157 Testing SVNClient diff with a non-utf8 file ... ok
#158 Testing SVNClient diff with a non-utf8 filename via repository_url option ... ok
#159 Testing SVNClient.get_commit_message with a single committed revision ... ok
#160 Testing SVNClient.get_commit_message with multiple committed revisions ... ok
#161 Testing SVNClient.get_commit_message with a working copy change ... ok
#162 Testing SVNClient.history_scheduled_with_commit nominal cases ... ok
#163 Testing SVNClient.history_scheduled_with_commit with exclude file ... ok
#164 Testing SVNClient.history_scheduled_with_commit is bypassed when diff is not for local modifications in a working copy ... ok
#165 Testing SVNClient.parse_revision_spec with invalid specifications ... ok
#166 Testing SVNClient.parse_revision_spec with no specified revisions ... ok
#167 Testing SVNClient.parse_revision_spec with a non-utf8 log entry ... ok
#168 Testing SVNClient.parse_revision_spec with R1:R2 syntax ... ok
#169 Testing SVNClient.parse_revision_spec with one specified numeric revision ... ok
#170 Testing SVNClient.parse_revision_spec with one specified changelist revision ... ok
#171 Testing SVNClient.parse_revision_spec with one specified invalid changelist revision ... ok
#172 Testing SVNClient.parse_revision_spec with one revision and a repository URL ... ok
#173 Testing SVNClient.parse_revision_spec with two revisions ... ok
#174 Testing SVNClient.parse_revision_spec with R1:R2 syntax and a repository URL ... ok
#175 Test diff with removal of lines that look like headers ... ok
#176 Testing SVNClient identical diff generated from root, subdirectory, and via target ... ok
#177 Testing SVNClient with --show-copies-as-adds functionality disabled ... ok
#178 Testing SVNClient with --show-copies-as-adds functionality enabled ... ok
#179 Testing SVNRepositoryInfo.find_server_repository_info with mirror_path matching ... ok
#180 Testing SVNRepositoryInfo.find_server_repository_info with path matching ... ok
#181 Testing SVNRepositoryInfo.find_server_repository_info with UUID matching ... ok
#182 Testing SVNRepositoryInfo._get_relative_path ... ok
#183 Testing argument duplication with rbt post --field myField=test --description test ... ok
#184 Testing multiple delimiters with rbt post --field myField=this=string=has=equals=signs ... ok
#185 Testing built-in fields through extra_fields with rbt post --field description=testing --field summary='native testing' --field testing-done='No tests' ... ok
#186 Testing setting target group via config file with rbt post ... ok
#187 Testing setting target person via config file with rbt post ... ok
#188 Testing multiple extra field arguments with rbt post --field foo=bar --field desc=new ... ok
#189 Testing setting target group on update via config file with rbt post --review-request-id=12345 ... ok
#190 Testing setting target person on update via config file with rbt post --review-request-id=12345 ... ok
#191 Testing one extra field argument with rbt post --field foo=bar ... ok
#192 Testing setting the target group with rbt post --target-groups=test_group ... ok
#193 Testing setting the target group on an update with rbt post --target-groups=test_group --review-request-id=12345 ... ok
#194 Testing setting the target person with rbt post --target-people=test_person ... ok
#195 Testing setting the target person on an update with rbt post --target-people=test_person --review-request-id=12345 ... ok
#196 Testing built-in fields through extra_fields with rbt post --field description and rbt post --field testing_done='No tests' ... ok
#197 Testing variable substitution with alphabetic variables ... ok
#198 Testing alias substitution with a slash at the end of the string ... ok
#199 Testing variable substitution where no variables are supplied ... ok
#200 Testing alias substitution with bad quotes. ... ok
#201 Testing variable substitution in rbtools aliases ... ok
#202 Testing variable substitution where the argument isn't supplied ... ok
#203 Testing variable substitution with the $* variable ... ok
#204 Testing $* variable substitution with whitespace-containing args ... ok
#205 Testing variable substitution where multiple variables appear ... ok
#206 Testing 'check_install' method. ... ok
#207 Testing 'execute' method. ... ok
#208 Testing 'is_valid_version' method. ... ok
#209 Testing 'make_empty_files' method. ... ok
#210 Testing 'make_tempfile' method. ... ok

Ran 210 tests in 206.362s

./tests/ 86.95s user 58.56s system 70% cpu 3:26.89 total

  1. Ship It!
Review request changed
Change Summary:
Pushed to master (fd78c09)