Add extra output when checking review request statuses.

Review Request #7640 — Created Sept. 18, 2015 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded




Originally, rbt status would only show the review request summary and the review request id.

The change will give the status of each review request, showing how many 'Open Issues' there are or how many 'Ship It!' there are. If there are no open issues, and the review request hasn't been submitted, it shows the 'Ship It!' count

Below is an example output:

(rbenv)vagrant@precise64:/src/reviewboard-2.0.x/reviewboard$ rbt status
Status            Review Request
Open Issues (2)   r/5 - Integer a amet Aliquam pharetra dui
Draft             r/6 - Quisque adipiscing tortor,  amet velit orci
Ship It! (1)      r/3 - adipiscing congue ac fames non,  posuere
Pending           r/7 - ipsum id. mi dui,  Integer laoreet
Pending           r/4 - magna In aliquet tincidunt egestas Suspendisse


Ran rbt status to get the above output.

Ran rbt tests.