Make it optional to push the branch after landing in rbt land.

Review Request #6718 — Created Jan. 1, 2015 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded




rbt land no longer pushes the branch after landing by default. Instead,
the caller can either pass --push, or can set the default in LAND_PUSH
in .reviewboardrc. If set by default, it can be overridden again using

This behavior change prevents unwanted pushes in the default case, such
as when the committer wishes to test further before pushing, or wants to
edit some part of the change.

Wired off the actual operations and instead printed the options.push value.

Tested the default without any arguments. Got push == False.

Tested with --push. Got push == True.

Tested with LAND_PUSH = True in .reviewboardrc and no arguments. Got push == True.

Then tested with --no-push. Got push == False.
