Update the new review dialog for server-side Markdown.

Review Request #6438 — Created Oct. 14, 2014 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


The new server-side Markdown support was implemented on release-2.0.x,
and thus didn't take into account the new review dialog on master. This
dialog differed from the other places where Markdown was used, in that
we had no way to pre-inject the raw values for review and comment text
fields prior to loading the dialog.

Now, the dialog requests the raw text fields as part of the initial
fetches and the saves, and populates the raw values in the
inlineEditors. This allows the dialog to work as it did before, with the
addition of having server-side Markdown support.

Tested new reviews and modifying the body top/bottom values.

Tested loading existing reviews with comments and seeing the text rendered
correctly. Opened an editor and saw the proper raw text. Saved and saw it
render correctly. Re-opening showed the raw text again.

Verified that the queries for comments and the review draft had the appropriate
query arguments.

Review dialog unit tests pass. (Note that plenty of other JS unit tests are
failing, but those are unrelated.)