Enhanced and moved summary table to request box.

Review Request #2964 — Created March 17, 2012 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


Issue Summary Table will provide a brief list of all the issues found within a review. It will provide small details about every issue, and will allow users to navigate to the issue.


Issues are now properly "link-able".
The linked or targeted issue will be highlighted. This is to avoid confusion between issues found at the bottom of the page.
Users are also provided with a 'back-to-issue-summary' link for easier navigation between issues and issue table.


Moved summary table to request box.
Not open issues (closed/fixed) are now hidden by default.
Added "Show Status: Open/Resolved/Dropped/All" filter button.
Dynamically update issue summary entries according to filter status.
Adapted HTML/CSS to fit request box style.
Added "Last Updated" column to table.
Added "Issue ID" column to table which now includes a an issue type and id number.
Added 'issue-summary' anchor.
Added 'back-to-issue-summary' anchor.
Added comment anchors and highlighting when targeted.
Rows can now be sorted by clicking on the column headers.
Refactored some comment model, javascript, and CSS code.

Looking for feedback on visuals/functionality.
Local Machine: Ubuntu 11.04, Chrome 17, Firefox 11.