Enhanced and moved summary table to request box.
Review Request #2964 — Created March 17, 2012 and submitted
Issue Summary Table will provide a brief list of all the issues found within a review. It will provide small details about every issue, and will allow users to navigate to the issue. Usability: Issues are now properly "link-able". The linked or targeted issue will be highlighted. This is to avoid confusion between issues found at the bottom of the page. Users are also provided with a 'back-to-issue-summary' link for easier navigation between issues and issue table. Changes: Moved summary table to request box. Not open issues (closed/fixed) are now hidden by default. Added "Show Status: Open/Resolved/Dropped/All" filter button. Dynamically update issue summary entries according to filter status. Adapted HTML/CSS to fit request box style. Added "Last Updated" column to table. Added "Issue ID" column to table which now includes a an issue type and id number. Added 'issue-summary' anchor. Added 'back-to-issue-summary' anchor. Added comment anchors and highlighting when targeted. Rows can now be sorted by clicking on the column headers. Refactored some comment model, javascript, and CSS code. Looking for feedback on visuals/functionality.
Local Machine: Ubuntu 11.04, Chrome 17, Firefox 11.
Description | From | Last Updated |
If there are only two states (All, or Open), I wonder if we can simplify the interface by just using … |
Remind me again - do we wrap long comments like this? Or truncate them? |
Just curious - what's this column useful for? Is that the comment id? If so...I'm not sure that's information that's … |
Nit - the edges of these boxes don't line up. The border around the lone file attachment does not line … |
The yellow feels a bit jarring on this background. Can we turn it down? Maybe add a bit more padding … |
Hmm not sure a button is right for this, given that it changes states. A drop-down may be better. |
ChipX86 / purple_cow might disagree with me here, but I think we might want a darker border around this table. |
First line summary, on the same line as """. Then a blank line, then description. |
css_class |
No need for (), and don't use "not". Use !=. |
Two blank lines. |
Comparisons should actually use ===. No casting, so slightly faster. Same below. |
Combine these lines. |
Hmm, actually, I'm thinking we should just do an {% if %} here in place of the hide_not_open_issue filter. The … |
th:first-child? |
AM ammok | |
th:last-child? |
AM ammok | |
I'm curious - why is this defined as a new function instead of an object? Could you not accomplish the … |
Would it be useful to sort by description as well? Additionally, should we restrict the headers explicitly or just specify … |
AM ammok | |
I believe .parent().children() can be simplified to just .siblings() |
Extra space in front? |
AM ammok | |
Would it make sense to add some sort of delineation between a count and the next label (e.g., comma, vertical … |
AM ammok | |
Missing trans blocks? |
AM ammok | |
These should align. Blank line after variable declarations. |
Blank line between these. |
Align the parseInts. |
Same. |
As an optimization. pull out the text() results for each thing. Then compare these before doing any attr() or hasClass() … |
Can you make this !== && !== ? Just easier to read. |
- Change Summary:
Fixed style issues. Added padding to table entries. Changed button to drop down.
- Description:
Work in Progress commit:
Moved summary table to request box.
Not open issues (closed/fixed) are now hidden by default. ~ Added "Show All"/"Show Open" filter button. ~ Added "Show Status: Open/All" filter button. Dynamically update issue summary entries according to filter status. Adapted HTML/CSS to fit request box style. Looking for feedback on visuals/functionality.
- Diff:
Revision 2 (+102 -52)
- Screenshots:
Initial StateToggle StateToggle StateInitial State
- Change Summary:
Lowered saturation of the color yellow for open issue rows. Replaced filter with {% if %}. Removed unused CSS rule. Removed unused filter code. Updated Screenshots.
- Diff:
Revision 3 (+86 -53)
- Screenshots:
Toggle StateInitial StateInitial StateToggle State
Aside from fixed issues blending in with the background and a background color for headers, there's a couple other finicky things. If you exit the page it resets your "Show status" option, which could potentially be annoying (might be ok, wishful thinking?). Changing status' also changes the sorting of the summary table. Aesthetically think they should sort the same as the review.
- Change Summary:
Added "Opened" column to table. Rows can now be sorted by clicking on the column headers. Refactored some javascript code. Changed CSS based on feedback.
- Description:
Work in Progress commit:
Moved summary table to request box.
Not open issues (closed/fixed) are now hidden by default. Added "Show Status: Open/All" filter button. Dynamically update issue summary entries according to filter status. ~ Adapted HTML/CSS to fit request box style. ~ Adapted HTML/CSS to fit request box style. + Added "Opened" column to table. + Rows can now be sorted by clicking on the column headers. + Refactored some javascript code. Looking for feedback on visuals/functionality.
- Testing Done:
~ Local Machine: Ubuntu 11.04, Chrome 17.
~ Local Machine: Ubuntu 11.04, Chrome 17, Firefox 11.
- Diff:
Revision 4 (+159 -69)
- Screenshots:
Initial StateToggle StateInitial StateToggle StateSort by DateSort by Status
It seems that the default method should be reachable again after sorting other columns.
Would it be useful to sort by description as well? Additionally, should we restrict the headers explicitly or just specify all <th> in issue-table?
I'm wondering if this would make more sense, semantically, as a list or grouped in a stronger fashion.
Would it make sense to add some sort of delineation between a count and the next label (e.g., comma, vertical border)? I feel like it might be best to remove the temptation to read it as "n things" rather than "things: n".
If there are only two states (All, or Open), I wonder if we can simplify the interface by just using a checkbox? Or maybe even better, just a link like we do in the review request dashboard ("Hide submitted", "Show submitted", etc).
ChipX86 / purple_cow might disagree with me here, but I think we might want a darker border around this table.
I'm curious - why is this defined as a new function instead of an object? Could you not accomplish the same thing via: var issueSummaryTableManager = { init: function() { // blah } };
- Change Summary:
Added 'issue-summary' anchor. Added 'back-to-issue-summary' anchor. Added comment anchors and highlighting when targeted. Added 'Last Updated' column with proper time format on updates. Fixed comment anchor duplicate bug by prefixing a comment type to each anchor. (overlap in ids of different type issues) Fixed sorting bug. Usability: Issues are now properly "link-able". The linked or targeted issue will be highlighted. This is to avoid confusion between issues found at the bottom of the page. Users are also provided with a 'back-to-issue-summary' link for easier navigation between issues and issue table. CSS fixes. Refactored some comment model, javascript, and CSS code.
- Summary:
Moved summary table to request box.Enhanced and moved summary table to request box.
- Description:
Work in Progress commit:
+ Issue Summary Table will provide a brief list of all the issues found within a review. It will provide small details about every issue, and will allow users to navigate to the issue.
+ + Usability:
+ + Issues are now properly "link-able".
+ The linked or targeted issue will be highlighted. This is to avoid confusion between issues found at the bottom of the page. + Users are also provided with a 'back-to-issue-summary' link for easier navigation between issues and issue table. + + Changes:
+ Moved summary table to request box.
Not open issues (closed/fixed) are now hidden by default. ~ Added "Show Status: Open/All" filter button. ~ Added "Show Status: Open/Resolved/Dropped/All" filter button. Dynamically update issue summary entries according to filter status. Adapted HTML/CSS to fit request box style. ~ Added "Opened" column to table. ~ Added "Last Updated" column to table. + Added "Issue ID" column to table which now includes a an issue type and id number. + Added 'issue-summary' anchor. + Added 'back-to-issue-summary' anchor. + Added comment anchors and highlighting when targeted. Rows can now be sorted by clicking on the column headers. ~ Refactored some javascript code. ~ Refactored some comment model, javascript, and CSS code. ~ Looking for feedback on visuals/functionality.
~ Looking for feedback on visuals/functionality.
- Diff:
Revision 5 (+303 -149)
- Screenshots:
Initial StateToggle StateSort by DateSort by StatusOpen StateResolved StateAll StateSory By Issue IDSort by Last UpdateHighlighted Issue and Back to issue summary link
- Change Summary:
Added content divider, left justified description header, javascript style fixes.
- Diff:
Revision 6 (+310 -149)
- Screenshots:
Content Divider
- Change Summary:
Added short description screenshot.
- Screenshots:
Short Description
I think this is looking very good! A couple nits to pick, and then I'm happy if everyone else is happy.
As an optimization. pull out the text() results for each thing. Then compare these before doing any attr() or hasClass() comparisons (assuming that's not going to throw off the logic). That should shorten the sort time for all this.
Just curious - what's this column useful for? Is that the comment id? If so...I'm not sure that's information that's useful to me. If that's true, we can axe that column.
Nit - the edges of these boxes don't line up. The border around the lone file attachment does not line up with the left border of the issue table. Another nit - are we able to make the Total / Show status labels line up with the left border of the table?
- Change Summary:
Fixed margin alignment, border colors, and javascript style/optimization issues.
- Description:
- Work in Progress commit:
- Issue Summary Table will provide a brief list of all the issues found within a review. It will provide small details about every issue, and will allow users to navigate to the issue.
Issues are now properly "link-able".
The linked or targeted issue will be highlighted. This is to avoid confusion between issues found at the bottom of the page. Users are also provided with a 'back-to-issue-summary' link for easier navigation between issues and issue table. Changes:
Moved summary table to request box.
Not open issues (closed/fixed) are now hidden by default. Added "Show Status: Open/Resolved/Dropped/All" filter button. Dynamically update issue summary entries according to filter status. Adapted HTML/CSS to fit request box style. Added "Last Updated" column to table. Added "Issue ID" column to table which now includes a an issue type and id number. Added 'issue-summary' anchor. Added 'back-to-issue-summary' anchor. Added comment anchors and highlighting when targeted. Rows can now be sorted by clicking on the column headers. Refactored some comment model, javascript, and CSS code. Looking for feedback on visuals/functionality.
- Diff:
Revision 7 (+315 -149)
- Change Summary:
Added new colors and margin screenshot.
- Screenshots:
New colors and margin
I applied this and spent some time playing with it. I like the direction a lot, but there's a style issue that's bothering me. I think the table itself doesn't fit in well enough with Review Board right now. The reasons being that the font sizes are hard-coded to be larger than you'd find in other tables, and the alignment is centered, which you don't find elsewhere. I'd like the font sizes to match that of the Dashboard, and for the content to be left-aligned. I'd also be interested in seeing how the header looked in dashboard style, in order to be more consistent.
- Change Summary:
CSS: Adapted dashboard style. Made some rules more modular. JS: Adapted new var declaration style. Fixed a description sorting bias where upper-case letters would take precedence over lower-case letters. Uploaded "Dashboard Style" image.
- Diff:
Revision 8 (+304 -154)
- Screenshots:
Dashboard Style