Reviewboard Windows Installer
Review Request #1854 — Created Oct. 24, 2010 and discarded
Windows Installer for Reviewboard, made with NSIS: Updates and improves the Windows Installer for ReviewBoard. Currently this installer will install: * Python 2.6 (if it's not already installed) * GNU Patch (if it's not already on the PATH) * Python Setup Tools * PyCrypto * PIL * Reviewboard + dependencies (via easy_install) It also optionally installs Memcached, and various Python bindings for databases and/or source control systems. These features are still under development. Currently the installer basically calls several distutils installers and several easy_install commandline windows. It's a bit of a mess, but it works. It's also not using Macros appropriately-- I will be making the code neater as I'm clearer on what else needs to be added. It is documented reasonably well as far as I see.
I've installed it on a very clean Windows XP 32 bit VM. I've also tried it on my (not at all clean) 32 bit XP to check that it detects Python and Patch. I've been able to set up a working Review Board installation using Bitnami's WAMP stack, a download of mod_python, this installer, rb-site and a few modifications to the Apache config files.
- Change Summary:
Updated the installer code-- it is now complete and should install a complete Review Board installation plus bindings for perforce, svn, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and memcached. To get Review Board working the user can do the following steps: - go to and install one of the stacks with MySQL and Apache - run our installer, choosing the matching database. - get mod_python for python 2.5 and install that (copy a file and edit the apache config in a very obvious way) - run rb-site, being careful to check what bitnami sets the port for MySQL (it's in their read-me, the stack I used was 1336) - copy the generated config file to the appropriate place in the Apache installation. Then you need to edit the configuration permissions so Apache will allow Reviewboard to be visible to the user. By default our permissions and theirs don't match. This is the one step that is a touch confusing and might require documentation.
- Diff:
Revision 2 (+539 -123)
Laila: First off, I've never worked with NSIS, so I'm really not qualified to comment on too much of the coding. I can, however, make a few points/suggestions. 1) Wherever possible, alphabetize long lists of unordered items. I've highlighted an example below. 2) Is it possible to constrict to 80 chars per line? (Is that how we want to roll with this David / Christian?) 3) Wherever possible, it's Review Board, as opposed to Reviewboard or ReviewBoard. 4) There's some extraneous whitespace that can be chopped out. I'm unable to test this, since I've been unable to borrow a Windows machine for the job. Hopefully this week I'll get a chance to try it out. Thanks for your work! -Mike
Yep - I guess this'll need to be bumped each time a new version gets released. This should probably be for 1.6?
Laila: Hey - I finally hopped onto a Windows machine and got to try this out. ;) Two notes - see below. Thanks, -Mike
Hm - how's this going to work? Are we going to ask the user where we're going to download Review Board to?
For some reason, this fails for me - I get: Installing Python Pytz module... Pytz failed to install: error An essential part of the installation, Pytz, failed to install. Aborting installation. Can't see why - from a DOS prompt, easy_install pytz runs just fine.
- Change Summary:
Updated in response to Mike Conley's review: - whitespace removed - fixed bug in PATH update function - changed references to product name to "Review Board" and the version to 1.6 - added other minor changes that improve appearance/functionality IMPORTANT: I changed the way we handle pysvn: we no longer download their installer, instead we now package it (so to compile this .nsi file, 2 pysvn installers must be downloaded into the same folder as the .nsi. Instructions are on the first line of comments in the file). This is because on some systems Windows is unable to handle redirection during download and the download will fail.
- Diff:
Revision 3 (+539 -123)
- Change Summary:
Updated testing done section.
- Testing Done:
~ I've installed it on a very clean Windows XP 32 bit VM. I've also tried it on my (not at all clean) 32 bit XP to check that it detects Python and Patch. I've yet to fully test a Reviewboard installation because Paramiko's download location has gone down and that means I can't complete the installation. I have been able to use rb-site to set up a reviewboard site without giving errors.
~ I've installed it on a very clean Windows XP 32 bit VM. I've also tried it on my (not at all clean) 32 bit XP to check that it detects Python and Patch. I've been able to set up a working Review Board installation using Bitnami's WAMP stack, a download of mod_python, this installer, rb-site and a few modifications to the Apache config files.