Group counts are inconsistent in dashboard - they count all reviews, instead of only pending reviews

Review Request #1430 — Created Feb. 24, 2010 and submitted


Review Board


If you look at the picture, you can see that RBTOOLS as 18 reviews, but only 3 are active.  This is based on
Also, the Incoming Reviews counts do not add up.

The issue is with the q.filter statement.  A set of parenthesis need to be added.  Also, I'm not too sure about the test for review_requests__submitter__is_active.  If somebody leaves, I'd still like to see their reviews, and be able to close them or hand them over somebody else.  But I understand it can be a local policy.

An unrelated remark.  I'm not a git expert, but I noticed a change since moving to the latest version of post-review.  I did a git pull origin master, and then created a new branch for my fix in  But you can see that the changes I pulled show in the diffs created by post-review (revision 1).  I manually cleaned up the diffs for revision 2.   Am I missing a step?

Thank you
Tried the fix on a staging server.  The counts were inconsistent before the fix, and matched after the fix was deployed.
  1. Thanks. Committed to master (r60e84c8).
    As for your Git issue, it looks like the branch you originally set up hadn't been rebased to origin. It's hard to say though. I haven't seen this behavior yet. If you ever reproduce it, I'd love a screenshot of gitk (or equivalent).
    1. I think I fixed my git issue by using "git pull origin" instead of "git pull origin master".   
      Many thanks