Port the repository config code to Backbone.

Review Request #12750 — Created Dec. 6, 2022 and updated


Review Board


The JavaScript side of the repository configuration form is very old,
and has existed as a bunch of flat functions that just used jQuery event
handling and global state to do anything.

For a long time now, we've wanted to revisit repository configuration,
but both the backend and frontend implementations have made this tricky.

To begin that process, this change ports the old JavaScript to a new
RB.RepositoryFormView class. This is a pure port of the old code,
quirks and all, with the idea being that we can then begin to more
easily clean it up piece-by-piece.

This does add some asserts to make sure we've correctly loaded all parts
of the DOM, converts gettext code to use our localization template
literals, and properly uses .prop() on checkboxes instead of .val().
Otherwise, nothing's really changed.

Future changes will start to move state into a model, and then begin
cleaning up this form to work like the rest of our codebase.

For now, there are no unit tests. This code isn't intended to work this
way long enough to be worth having tests. Those will come as part of
the modernization work.

Tested all aspects of the repository configuration form:

  • Configuring various tools for custom repositories
  • Configuring various hosting service repositories, with different tools
    and plans
  • Configuring bug trackers, with and without hosting services (and the
    "Use hosting service's bug tracker" checkbox)
  • Configuring ACLs
  • Re-editing hosting service credentials
  • Toggling SSH key display
Summary ID
Port the repository config code to Backbone.
The JavaScript side of the repository configuration form is very old, and has existed as a bunch of flat functions that just used jQuery event handling and global state to do anything. For a long time now, we've wanted to revisit repository configuration, but both the backend and frontend implementations have made this tricky. To begin that process, this change ports the old JavaScript to a new `RB.RepositoryFormView` class. This is a pure port of the old code, quirks and all, with the idea being that we can then begin to more easily clean it up piece-by-piece. This does add some asserts to make sure we've correctly loaded all parts of the DOM, converts gettext code to use our localization template literals, and properly uses `.prop()` on checkboxes instead of `.val()`. Otherwise, nothing's really changed. Future changes will start to move state into a model, and then begin cleaning up this form to work like the rest of our codebase.
Description From Last Updated

Outer parens shouldn't be necessary here.


Or here.


Elsewhere we indent these as: let text = (account.hosting_url ? `${account.username} (${account.hosting_url})` : account.username)


These days we should be good to use for (let planType of planTypes)


At this point, I think we should be using const and trailing commas in our templates as well.

  2. Show all issues

    Outer parens shouldn't be necessary here.

    1. I think I was initially hitting some ESLint complaints or something.

  3. Show all issues

    Or here.

  4. Show all issues

    Elsewhere we indent these as:

    let text = (account.hosting_url
                ? `${account.username} (${account.hosting_url})`
                : account.username)
  5. Show all issues

    These days we should be good to use for (let planType of planTypes)

Review request changed
Change Summary:
  • Fixed some bad variable references.
  • Fixed a bad element ID reference in events.
  • Removed an unused variable.
  • Cleaned up some bits of code and fixed some lint warnings.
Summary ID
Port the repository config code to Backbone.
The JavaScript side of the repository configuration form is very old, and has existed as a bunch of flat functions that just used jQuery event handling and global state to do anything. For a long time now, we've wanted to revisit repository configuration, but both the backend and frontend implementations have made this tricky. To begin that process, this change ports the old JavaScript to a new `RB.RepositoryFormView` class. This is a pure port of the old code, quirks and all, with the idea being that we can then begin to more easily clean it up piece-by-piece. This does add some asserts to make sure we've correctly loaded all parts of the DOM, converts gettext code to use our localization template literals, and properly uses `.prop()` on checkboxes instead of `.val()`. Otherwise, nothing's really changed. Future changes will start to move state into a model, and then begin cleaning up this form to work like the rest of our codebase.
Port the repository config code to Backbone.
The JavaScript side of the repository configuration form is very old, and has existed as a bunch of flat functions that just used jQuery event handling and global state to do anything. For a long time now, we've wanted to revisit repository configuration, but both the backend and frontend implementations have made this tricky. To begin that process, this change ports the old JavaScript to a new `RB.RepositoryFormView` class. This is a pure port of the old code, quirks and all, with the idea being that we can then begin to more easily clean it up piece-by-piece. This does add some asserts to make sure we've correctly loaded all parts of the DOM, converts gettext code to use our localization template literals, and properly uses `.prop()` on checkboxes instead of `.val()`. Otherwise, nothing's really changed. Future changes will start to move state into a model, and then begin cleaning up this form to work like the rest of our codebase.

Checks run (2 succeeded)

flake8 passed.
JSHint passed.
  2. Show all issues

    At this point, I think we should be using const and trailing commas in our templates as well.
