Add the new unified banner.

Review Request #12734 — Created Nov. 22, 2022 and submitted


Review Board


This change adds the unified banner, a major new UI feature in Review
Board 6.

This new banner replaces several existing banners:

  • The review request draft banner
  • The pending review banner
  • Review reply banners (at least the ones that float)

The goal here is twofold. First, we want to make it very clear whenever
there's any unpublished work (often review reply drafts can get lost in
long pages). Second, we want to enable people to publish everything all
in one go (the typical use case being publishing a bunch of review
replies and a review request update all together).

This also gives us room for future work:

  • We have space at the right hand side of the banner for a future
    block showing info about the current review, popping up into a
    redesigned review dialog.
  • We have a "dock" area (currently empty, but present in the DOM and
    properly styled), which we intend to use for a quick file switcher in
    the diffviewer, and possibly other things.

This is mostly complete. The current things left on my to-do list are:

  • Further testing of the banner in mobile mode. Right now interaction
    with the menus has some problems but it's possible that's just
    Firefox's devtools.
  • Possibly moving the "Add General Comment" action into the review menu.
  • Add more js-tests.
  • Ran js-tests.
  • Ran python unit tests.
  • Tested all different combinations of review requset changes, reviews,
    and review replies. Saw that the draft mode selector showed the
    correct options.
  • Tested publishing with individual items and as a batch.
  • Tested discard with various individual items.
  • Tested the change description field.
  • Tested the new actions (create review, edit review, ship it) that live
    in the "Review" menu.
Summary ID
Add the new unified banner.
This change adds the unified banner, a major new UI feature in Review Board 6. This new banner replaces several existing banners: - The review request draft banner - The pending review banner - Review reply banners (at least the ones that float) The goal here is twofold. First, we want to make it very clear whenever there's any unpublished work (often review reply drafts can get lost in long pages). Second, we want to enable people to publish everything all in one go (the typical use case being publishing a bunch of review replies and a review request update all together). This also gives us room for future work: - We have space at the right hand side of the banner for a future block showing info about the current review, popping up into a redesigned review dialog. - We have a "dock" area (currently empty, but present in the DOM and properly styled), which we intend to use for a quick file switcher in the diffviewer, and possibly other things. This is mostly complete. The current things left on my to-do list are: - Further testing of the banner in mobile mode. Right now interaction with the menus has some problems but it's possible that's just Firefox's devtools. - Possibly moving the "Add General Comment" action into the review menu. - More js-tests. Testing Done: - Ran js-tests. - Ran python unit tests. - Tested all different combinations of review requset changes, reviews, and review replies. Saw that the draft mode selector showed the correct options. - Tested publishing with individual items and as a batch. - Tested discard with various individual items. - Tested the change description field. - Tested the new actions (create review, edit review, ship it) that live in the "Review" menu.

Description From Last Updated

'unifiedBanner' is defined but never used. Column: 15 Error code: W098


Duplicate key 'click #action-add-general-comment'. Column: 44 Error code: W075


This is probably true of other previously-reviewed versions as well, but looking more closely at it, this text is really …


Missing period.


Can we keep this in alphabetical order?


Thinking it might be worth fleshing this out a bit. There's a lot going on in this banner, so just …


Tiny nit: Can we have a blank line between multi-line list items? Helps keep it all from visually blending together …


This line is too long.


This is missing a doc comment.


Ordering is off. Any ID-based selectors should go after the &__ parts.


&__mode should have a doc comment somewhere, even if the ruleset is empty. This will be important for the doc …


Missing a doc comment.


Modifier rules should go before any child rules, up near the top, since they apply to the main component.


This could go in &__menu (though you would need to replace the &__mode with the full name). Might be a …


Let's standardize on a blank line after this comment, so there's always room/incentive for per-variable comments. In this case, though, …


Can we say how this will update it?


These are missing docs.


Can we use numDrafts or draftCount instead? The n prefix has always felt too much like shorthand to me.


Same comment about the n prefix.


Can we have a comment describing this particular condition? There's a lot to keep track of in these. Might be …


Can we add a file-level doc comment?


Wonder if we should treat other bundles as a separate import group from stuff in the current bundle. Imports in …


Missing a Version Added. Here and below.


Let's standardize on a consistent blank line after the "Instance variables" block. I also realized, from working with the AST …


These should be in alphabetical order.


Completely optional (mostly using this comment to point it out the capability), but we do have this now: this.#menuView.renderInto(this.$el); Instead …


This event handler isn't returning anything.


Let's stop defaults/propagation here and below before we do anything else, so errors don't cause events to bubble.


Maybe worth adding a clearItems() method to MenuView? I feel like this shouldn't be reaching into internals, or we're asking …


We can probably skip this check, since if it's 0, the for loop is a no-op.


Rather than querying this every time we update, let's pull this out during render and just access it via a …


We fetch draftModes[i].text in both conditions, so we could just pull it into a variable once. That also simplifies the …


Let's pull this out as well.


There's a space between change: and draftModes here. Might need more testing on that.


Blank line here.


Missing a doc comment.


The summary must be one line.


This can use :js:attr


We should use the specific element for the banner. Is that just a div?


Missing space between > and {.


Can we type this?


There will be things to figure out with some of the references cross-bundle, but I think you want: :js:class:`RB.FloatingBannerView`


No return value needed here.


No need to call the parent. That's explicitly empty.


If any of these are direct children, let's use this.$el.children('...') to avoid the deep lookup. Same elsewhere.


We access this.model a bunch. Let's pull it out into a local variable.


This can be: this.#modeMenu.renderInto(this.#modeSelector);


Can we separate these? Keep the publish button stuff together?


No return value needed here.


If we're going to log, let's be more explicit about what wasn't rendered, since the log output won't have context. …


Instead of repeated attribute lookups, let's pull out this.model into a local variable.


Can we use numDrafts or draftCount instead of the n prefix?


Since we're already using setVisible, this could be: this.#discardButton.setVisible( draftModes.length > 0 && !draftModes[selectedDraftMode].multiple);


We should add an interface for this.


Let's pull out this.model into a local variable.


Can we type these?


For this call, let's have two groups of keys (separated by a blank line): Options/data for the API call Callbacks …


We access this.model a lot in this function, so let's pull it out.

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)
flake8 passed.
JSHint failed.


Review request changed
[WIP] Add the new unified banner.
Add the new unified banner.

This is a very work-in-progress change to add the new unified banner.

~   Posting just for initial feedback on the broad strokes, with the
~   understanding that there's still a fair bit of work left to do on
~   everything.


This change adds the unified banner, a major new UI feature in Review

  ~ Board 6.


This new banner replaces several existing banners:

  • The review request draft banner
  • The pending review banner
  • Review reply banners (at least the ones that float)

The goal here is twofold. First, we want to make it very clear whenever

  + there's any unpublished work (often review reply drafts can get lost in
  + long pages). Second, we want to enable people to publish everything all
  + in one go (the typical use case being publishing a bunch of review
  + replies and a review request update all together).


This also gives us room for future work:

  • We have space at the right hand side of the banner for a future
    block showing info about the current review, popping up into a
    redesigned review dialog.
  • We have a "dock" area (currently empty, but present in the DOM and
    properly styled), which we intend to use for a quick file switcher in
    the diffviewer, and possibly other things.

This is mostly complete. The current things left on my to-do list are:

  • Further testing of the banner in mobile mode. Right now interaction
    with the menus has some problems but it's possible that's just
    Firefox's devtools.
  • Possibly moving the "Add General Comment" action into the review menu.
Testing Done:
  • Ran js-tests.
  • Ran python unit tests.
  • Tested all different combinations of review requset changes, reviews,
    and review replies. Saw that the draft mode selector showed the
    correct options.
  • Tested publishing with individual items and as a batch.
  • Tested discard with various individual items.
  • Tested the change description field.
  • Tested the new actions (create review, edit review, ship it) that live
    in the "Review" menu.
Summary ID
[WIP] Add the new unified banner.
This is a very work-in-progress change to add the new unified banner. Posting just for initial feedback on the broad strokes, with the understanding that there's still a fair bit of work left to do on everything.
Add the new unified banner.
This change adds the unified banner, a major new UI feature in Review Board 6. This new banner replaces several existing banners: - The review request draft banner - The pending review banner - Review reply banners (at least the ones that float) The goal here is twofold. First, we want to make it very clear whenever there's any unpublished work (often review reply drafts can get lost in long pages). Second, we want to enable people to publish everything all in one go (the typical use case being publishing a bunch of review replies and a review request update all together). This also gives us room for future work: - We have space at the right hand side of the banner for a future block showing info about the current review, popping up into a redesigned review dialog. - We have a "dock" area (currently empty, but present in the DOM and properly styled), which we intend to use for a quick file switcher in the diffviewer, and possibly other things. This is mostly complete. The current things left on my to-do list are: - Further testing of the banner in mobile mode. Right now interaction with the menus has some problems but it's possible that's just Firefox's devtools. - Possibly moving the "Add General Comment" action into the review menu. Testing Done: - Ran js-tests. - Ran python unit tests. - Tested all different combinations of review requset changes, reviews, and review replies. Saw that the draft mode selector showed the correct options. - Tested publishing with individual items and as a batch. - Tested discard with various individual items. - Tested the change description field. - Tested the new actions (create review, edit review, ship it) that live in the "Review" menu.
Added Files:

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 passed.
JSHint failed.


  1. This is awesome, David. I'm so happy to see this becoming reality.

    There's a lot of comments here, but most are in the categories of:

    1. Doc improvements/missing docs
    2. Couple repeated naming suggestions
    3. Reducing unnecessary attribute accesses
    4. Missing types
    5. Just small typos and such

    The core of it looks really good. Nothing major anywhere, just polish. I can't wait to use this :)

  2. reviewboard/reviews/ (Diff revision 3)
    Show all issues

    This is probably true of other previously-reviewed versions as well, but looking more closely at it, this text is really more about the base class's version and less about this specific implementation. Can you update it to describe how this class determines if the menu should be rendered?

  3. reviewboard/reviews/ (Diff revision 3)
    Show all issues

    Missing period.

  4. Show all issues

    Can we keep this in alphabetical order?

  5. Show all issues

    Thinking it might be worth fleshing this out a bit. There's a lot going on in this banner, so just having an overview of how it all fits together will help keep this maintainable.

    1. Will spend some time composing something that we can use everywhere.

  6. Show all issues

    This line is too long.

  7. Show all issues

    This is missing a doc comment.

  8. reviewboard/static/rb/css/ui/banners.less (Diff revision 3)
    Show all issues

    Ordering is off. Any ID-based selectors should go after the &__ parts.

  9. reviewboard/static/rb/css/ui/banners.less (Diff revision 3)
    Show all issues

    &__mode should have a doc comment somewhere, even if the ruleset is empty.

    This will be important for the doc generation stuff I'm presently toying with.

  10. reviewboard/static/rb/css/ui/banners.less (Diff revision 3)
    Show all issues

    Missing a doc comment.

  11. reviewboard/static/rb/css/ui/banners.less (Diff revision 3)
    Show all issues

    Modifier rules should go before any child rules, up near the top, since they apply to the main component.

  12. Where does pending come from?

    1. It's what jasmine uses to skip a test.

  13. Show all issues

    Let's standardize on a blank line after this comment, so there's always room/incentive for per-variable comments.

    In this case, though, I don't know that template is strictly an instance variable. I mean, it is, but in much the same way that className is. I think this section is best left for things that are set/mutated during the lifetime of an instance, not what are effectively constants.

  14. Show all issues

    Can we say how this will update it?

  15. reviewboard/static/rb/js/reviews/models/unifiedBanner.ts (Diff revision 3)
    Show all issues

    These are missing docs.

  16. Show all issues

    Can we use numDrafts or draftCount instead? The n prefix has always felt too much like shorthand to me.

  17. Show all issues

    Same comment about the n prefix.

  18. Show all issues

    Can we have a comment describing this particular condition? There's a lot to keep track of in these.

    Might be nice to actually have one per-condition.

  19. Show all issues

    Can we add a file-level doc comment?

  20. Show all issues

    Wonder if we should treat other bundles as a separate import group from stuff in the current bundle.

    Imports in JavaScript feel so much more difficult to clearly organize. I haven't really found a really nice pattern I like, except that I've been loosely doing:

    1. Platform (for Node)
    2. Third-party (node_modules)
    3. Current bundle

    And I could see a 2.5 in there that's "other bundles in same project." Or maybe that just goes into third-party. I don't know. Thoughts?

    1. Sure, having a separate group for anything that's from 'reviewboard/...' makes sense to me. I guess djblets imports go with other third-party even though it's not node_modules?

  21. Show all issues

    Missing a Version Added.

    Here and below.

  22. Show all issues

    Let's standardize on a consistent blank line after the "Instance variables" block.

    I also realized, from working with the AST for TypeScript this past week, that this will prevent #menuView from being assigned that comment block as its leading comment.

  23. Show all issues

    Completely optional (mostly using this comment to point it out the capability), but we do have this now:


    Instead of the .append() and .render().

  24. Show all issues

    This event handler isn't returning anything.

  25. reviewboard/static/rb/js/reviews/views/unifiedBannerView.ts (Diff revision 3)
    Show all issues

    Let's stop defaults/propagation here and below before we do anything else, so errors don't cause events to bubble.

  26. Show all issues

    Maybe worth adding a clearItems() method to MenuView? I feel like this shouldn't be reaching into internals, or we're asking for trouble down the road.

  27. Show all issues

    We can probably skip this check, since if it's 0, the for loop is a no-op.

  28. Show all issues

    Rather than querying this every time we update, let's pull this out during render and just access it via a variable. We update more than we render, especially since this is in a loop.

  29. Show all issues

    We fetch draftModes[i].text in both conditions, so we could just pull it into a variable once. That also simplifies the template literal.

  30. Show all issues

    Let's pull this out as well.

  31. Show all issues

    There's a space between change: and draftModes here. Might need more testing on that.

    1. I think it ended up triggering on any model change. Will double check functionality after fixing this.

  32. Show all issues

    Blank line here.

  33. Show all issues

    Missing a doc comment.

  34. Show all issues

    The summary must be one line.

  35. Show all issues

    This can use :js:attr

    1. This is from a very old version of the change. Deleting.

  36. Show all issues

    We should use the specific element for the banner. Is that just a div?

  37. Show all issues

    Missing space between > and {.

  38. Show all issues

    Can we type this?

  39. Show all issues

    There will be things to figure out with some of the references cross-bundle, but I think you want:

  40. Show all issues

    No return value needed here.

  41. Show all issues

    No need to call the parent. That's explicitly empty.

  42. Show all issues

    If any of these are direct children, let's use this.$el.children('...') to avoid the deep lookup.

    Same elsewhere.

  43. Show all issues

    We access this.model a bunch. Let's pull it out into a local variable.

  44. Show all issues

    This can be:

  45. Show all issues

    Can we separate these? Keep the publish button stuff together?

  46. Show all issues

    No return value needed here.

  47. Show all issues

    If we're going to log, let's be more explicit about what wasn't rendered, since the log output won't have context.

    Or should this be an assert at this point?

    1. This was old debug code.

  48. Show all issues

    Instead of repeated attribute lookups, let's pull out this.model into a local variable.

  49. Show all issues

    Can we use numDrafts or draftCount instead of the n prefix?

  50. reviewboard/static/rb/js/reviews/views/unifiedBannerView.ts (Diff revision 3)
    Show all issues

    Since we're already using setVisible, this could be:

        draftModes.length > 0 &&
  51. Show all issues

    We should add an interface for this.

    1. My feeling on these is that it's worth adding an interface when we use it in more than one spot.

  52. Show all issues

    Let's pull out this.model into a local variable.

  53. Show all issues

    Can we type these?

  54. Show all issues

    For this call, let's have two groups of keys (separated by a blank line):

    1. Options/data for the API call
    2. Callbacks

    That'll help keep this a lot more readable while also keeping ESLint happy.

  55. Show all issues

    We access this.model a lot in this function, so let's pull it out.

  1. Everything looks great! So excited to use this.

  2. reviewboard/static/rb/css/ui/banners.less (Diff revisions 3 - 5)
    Show all issues

    Tiny nit: Can we have a blank line between multi-line list items? Helps keep it all from visually blending together as much.

  3. reviewboard/static/rb/css/ui/banners.less (Diff revisions 3 - 5)
    Show all issues

    This could go in &__menu (though you would need to replace the &__mode with the full name). Might be a bit better just for organization.

    1. I think I prefer it as-is, since it's really a modification of the __mode element that was just defined.

  4. Show all issues

    These should be in alphabetical order.

  1. Ship It!
Review request changed
Change Summary:
Pushed to release-6.x (f7a0086)