merged in Output Wrapper Object from r#11401
fc3442b40f7688eae2dc8943c3905de1189aba49 |
Ryan Kang |
added new method to print JSON to stream object and tests to ensure it works ...
93a7f52f930aec3fe39c3d0d9c0f15ee4a14922c |
Ryan Kang |
added new global command --json
8d6ea988b098794628c133cbbcd42f524293d873 |
Ryan Kang |
added conditional at the end of command cycle to print JSON is enabled
312b2d649dc71fa01637c427209d5f972c193402 |
Ryan Kang |
added method to append to classes and tests to ensure items are appended corr...
9ecb2ddb435c1889c5b000d2ad2d57f7bc3f04b8 |
Ryan Kang |
added new method to add errors to existing errors key or create a new one
99df72a53c52f7b839decff237fa694d19baa190 |
Ryan Kang |
Fixed issues with extra white spaces in files from Review Bot
505c93c8f2a525fc8a8114e37b69ccdf4f283b9d |
Ryan Kang |
Added docstrings to JSONOutput class and changed name from JSONWrapper to JSO...
Improved command hint for --json
Fixed header in test_main to import kgb and concatonated imports from rbtools.commands
Created _setup() method in JSONOutputTests test class to standardize JSONOutput initialization
1c4e3367bd82af470f4889056c35e1e137b9d9ff |
Ryan Kang |
Fixed minor formatting issues in test_main.py
c110d05aca25324d53b55ed678169610aa9a7c07 |
Ryan Kang |
Updated JSONOutput docstrings to format with guidelines
d58d4e8f8bbe7b1c4486479d2d4ebc25cb545010 |
Ryan Kang |
Updated docstrings in JSONOutputTests in test_main.py to comply with guidelines
29daf66756b65033e122b5cb2466e588ad4a7635 |
Ryan Kang |
Checking if there are any errors in json to decide status
a0ee53dabe7e1c7894412281719b38db1410f16f |
Ryan Kang |
Fixed trailing white space in test_main.test_hson_wrapper_append
40c9ab291084fd36bed86e74761ed579706a612c |
Ryan Kang |
Fixed blank lines with spaces in __init__ Command.run_from_argv
fe0dd7c90d293e3885890f4ca3be0dafe506a63a |
Ryan Kang |
Added any CommandError caught to errors key
b662b573e9452277ea177d990b2f8d750028f2f2 |
Ryan Kang |
Fixed bug where test_main.py was imported JSONWrapper instead of JSONOutput
412f531a218f3c9bf2eac16ebb765ef74d0bcb30 |
Ryan Kang |
added OutputWrapper class to Commands which outputs to stream object of choic...
ca88dd1ff65187e387fdf17dc19f4c0c89fb903c |
Ryan Kang |
replaced all of the prints with output wrapper and initiated wrapper in Comma...
e31adcfce9cf6cdbc5272a57a81cb0c7acdd7c5b |
Ryan Kang |
Fixed all of the Review Bot string formatting issues and fixed consistency is...
360b92a955667e881394ee9f8a482d397bf176e6 |
Ryan Kang |
Fixed Review Bot issues on trailing white spaces, indentation, whitespace aft...
0e77eec5effa3e23f3d13fb7578f2ef22037f413 |
Ryan Kang |
Added new test for OutputWrapper than ensures it passes a new line character ...
f137a9331459e3d88d9cb96f3e499730c6adcb30 |
Ryan Kang |
Fixed inconsistency of the use of new_line(). Replaced self.stdout.write(n) w...
70cfb2c6f67be4b3f10af316835aae37488328e4 |
Ryan Kang |
Fixed white space error at the end of rbtools/commands/__init__.py
91baf8a9e9f2e4d8c9b30a19c76d72b0860849b9 |
Ryan Kang |
changed print statements in __init__.py to use output wrapper
7d65b3e5683ebcc7b9e0920146a7bf0b20bd28a9 |
Ryan Kang |
fixed Review Bot issues where lines where over 80 characters in __init__.py
43788831f5c440ae0832f705ce943535f8d1936f |
Ryan Kang |
moved OutputWrapper tests from __init__.py to test_main.py and renamed test c...
d8a51ac5c9d2315030b6c514177fc089ab9da020 |
Ryan Kang |
fixed indentation and misspelled words issues in test_main.py:OutputWrapper
5b2937ea7acf8e4e602f03abdd97dde2ebaae997 |
Ryan Kang |
moved OutputWrapper tests to test_main.py and imported KGB
ef64e449e9026ac8a171ef712a8295b30a90a88c |
Ryan Kang |
Added docstrings for OutputWrapper methods
changed stdout_byte to stdout_bytes and stderr_byte to stderr_bytes in Command __init__
String styling changes to properly align tabs and to ensure spaces go on
end of strings
Changed importing kgb SpyAgency to import kgb
Added spacing where needed and alphabetical ordering of test_main.py imports
Improved description of OutputWrapperTests in test_main.py
c25d2df4c21dd1da9a1f6f9df6dbdc483ec5bea1 |
Ryan Kang |
Changed docstrings to follow Review Board documentation guide.
Spacing issues between statements fixed
Added attributes to Command docstring that summarizes attributes
defined in its __init__
Refactored patch.py outputting of byte strings to use self.stdout_bytes properly
Indentation issues from lint checkers fixed
Fixed docstrings of OutputWrapperTests in test_main.py to format correctly with documentation
86196002cfc2c374c4cfa56123fd63da123e657f |
Ryan Kang |
Fixed multiple blank lines with indentation problems
Fixed lines which exceeded 80 characters
Fixed overindentation in setup_repo.py
b7f620e9317c269ef71f3288f6747b02088533f1 |
Ryan Kang |