Quick fix for refreshing changes for tools

Review Request #11207 — Created Oct. 1, 2020 and updated — Latest diff uploaded




Updated the ReviewBot ToolResource.
Previously the ToolResource would not correctly update changes made to any
ReviewBot Tools. The previous behavior would allow a ReviewBot tool to be
updated only if there is a change in name/version. However, during
development this can be frustrating, since options are being frequently
revised. To fix this problem, I have changed resource to update the
instance of the tool in the database. This is done regardless of a change
in versioning. This makes the process of creating tools easier, since tool
settings made in the tool are updated each time that the ToolResource
create method is called.

This is difficult to do since there is no test framework setup for
ReviewBot. No real tests were done, only manual testing and a quick
visual inspection.
