Review Request #9780 — Created March 14, 2018 and submitted
This updates the Assembla test suite to use the new helpers for hosting
service unit tests, which provide better, more consistent checks with
simpler code and less private method usage. It also raises better
messages when skipping tests due to lack of Perforce support.
Unit tests pass.
Rebuilt this change to use the new hosting service test architecture.
~ | This updates the Assembla test suite to use the modern docstring format | |
~ | for test names, to split up the service tests from the AssemblaForm | |
~ | tests, and to better inspect the calls being made to the SCMTool. Unlike | |
~ | most hosting services, Assembla is a very thin wrapper, going through | |
~ | This updates the Assembla test suite to use the new helpers for hosting | |
~ | service unit tests, which provide better, more consistent checks with | |
~ | simpler code and less private method usage. It also raises better | |
~ | messages when skipping tests due to lack of Perforce support. | |
- | standard SVN/P4 protocols instead of an API, so it doesn't do any | |
- | URL-related checks like most of the recent unit test updates. |
Revision 2 (+23 -33)