Fix the API resource registry to prevent some error conditions.

Review Request #9674 — Created Feb. 18, 2018 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded




ResourcesRegistry was erroring out during API doc building in Review
Board due to Sphinx's function inspection in autodoc. It was trying to
do a getattr() of __get__, __set__, and other similar methods,
which was turning into resource module lookups. That clearly failed, and
the errors bubbled up and became warnings during doc building. This has
been fixed to immediately call the parent method if encountering such a

It also had a scoping issue with errors from an exception in Python 3.
There was an assumption that later code could get access to the
exception from a previous except .. as e block, but that's not the
case in Python 3. We now set a properly-scoped variable to the last
exception for later logging.

No longer saw errors during doc building.

Tested that the error messages were including the right exception
information on Python 2.7 and 3.
