david got a fish trophy!

Convert the main application shell to react.
Review Request #9559 — Created Jan. 31, 2018 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded
This change swaps out the top-level application to render via react
instead of an underscore template. The existing routing code has been
moved into a new component called<LegacyRoutes>
, which is responsible
for managing all the child backbone views that theApplicationView
used to handle. As pages are redone to be react components, those will
move into their own<Route>
s, and eventually the legacy routes will
disappear.This also switches the main layout to CSS grid, which works way better
than the old hacky piling-on of backbone grid classes did.Finally, there were a couple bugs in the data and display of the
"All Users" page that were getting swallowed by the previous method
of attaching views but were causing exceptions now. Those have been
Went through all pages and saw that everything still loaded properly.