Code Drop WIP: Default reviewers with conditions

Review Request #9545 — Created Jan. 27, 2018 and discarded — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


Code Drop WIP: Default reviewers with conditions

code drop for Saturday 27th. Little later than 24 hrs before the
meeting but its here.

I spent the time I had tracing my way to find how
admin/db/reviews/defaultreviewer/add is defined. Regex didn't help
much at first until I read up on Django project structure.

So far, this patch adds the conditions field to the
ADD DEFAULT REVIEWER page but there is no default values yet.
This means hitting plus doesn't do anything. I've got a few ideas but
if I can't find anything by tomorrow I'll ping someone in slack.

Next week my school schedule will be less irregular so I hope to get
something working by next code drop.