Simplify SplitButtonView and fix visual consistency issues.

Review Request #9317 — Created Oct. 24, 2017 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


This makes a series of changes to SplitButtonView designed to solve
visual inconsistencies with other buttons, improve placement and
animation, preventing a problem where the button appeared below the
draft banner, and preventing the button appearing out of nowhere after
the review draft banner loads.

The button now makes use of the new segmented button CSS rules in order
to create a single outer button that then has segments for the label and
drop-down arrow. These rules ensure that the button looks consistent
with other buttons in the draft banner and Review Dialog. The segmented
button takes care of the outer border appearance, letting us simplify
the CSS a bit for the split button. The CSS has been simplified further
by way of having classes set on the split button's element instead of
the various child elements.

The button's menu is no longer placed on the document body. Instead,
it's placed within the container of the split button, alongside the
segmented button. This avoids having to figure out a z-index, which
wasn't working anymore on the draft banner (as that calculation
depended on the banner being in the DOM, which it hasn't been for a
while). It also doesn't set left anymore. This lets the menu align
automatically with the button.

The button and menu's width is no longer managed the same way. The
button itself never changes width anymore, using the natural width
instead (preventing it from appearing very long if the menu is long).
The menu is now set to be at least as long as the button (using widths
with subpixel-precision, instead of rounded client widths), and is set
to not wrap (forcing it to extend beyond the button's width if needed,
instead of wrapping, which is presumably why the buttons' width
originally needed to be set).

Animation is now controlled via CSS transitions instead of using
jQuery's fading functions. This does require a timeout with a value
matching the one used in CSS, but it otherwise enables much smoother

There are also fixes for presentation when there's multiple entries in
the menu.

And finally, the publish button on the draft banner no longer simply
pops into existence after loading the page. The HTML for the button is
now pre-populated on the banner. It will be replaced on load, but this
prevents a weird transition after page load.

Tested the Publish Review button on macOS (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) and
Windows (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Edge) in both the draft banner and the
Review Dialog.

Loaded the page and saw that the Publish Review button was there
immediately, and did not have any visual jump when the draft banner fully

Injected additional items temporarily into the Publish Review buttons and
verified that the entries all had correct styles in both pop-down and pop-up

Replaced the current item with one containing a short label. Verified that
the menu had the button's exact width in both pop-down and pop-up modes.
