Simplify OAuth2 scope generation and run it on demand instead of startup.

Review Request #9269 — Created Oct. 15, 2017 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded




This change attempts to reduce startup time by generating OAuth2 tokens
only when first needed by the application, instead of when the scope
dictionary is first being set up. A few changes were made in order to
help reduce the overhead.

First, WebAPIScopeDictionary is no longer a dict that self-populates
when constructed, and its contents are no longer manually added/removed
as extensions are enabled/disabled. Instead, WebAPIScopeDictionary is
a standard object that wraps and manages a dict, implementing a few
dictionary functions (__getitem__(), __contains__(), keys(), and
iterkeys()) needed by oauth2_provider. Instead of populating on
construction, it populates whenever something needs to access the
internal dictionary, and only if it's empty.

Population walks every resource tree it's tracking (the root resource
and, when using ExtensionEnabledWebAPIScopeDictionary, each enabled
extension's list of top-level resources). It now does this recursively,
preventing the need to modify another data structure on each iteration,
allowing it to only worry about populating the scope dictionary.

This simplifies things quite a lot, as the extension management now only
has to add/remove the list of resources for the extension and clear the
dictionary. The scopes won't regenerate until needed. It's also now
thread-safe, preventing several concurrent scope generations from
occurring at the same time.

The scope list is now computed on demand from the dictionary, just like
with the standard version. This reduces how much memory we're using to
keep the list of scopes, since looking up the scope list from the
dictionary is a pretty infrequent operation. Because of this, we no
longer need to override OAuth2ProviderSettings.__getattr__.

The overall result is a smaller, simpler class for handling scope
generation that reduces startup time, reduces bookkeeping, is
thread-safe, and more easily extensible.

Unit tests pass.

Tested manually that the scopes weren't populated on startup, but that
I could get the list when needed (triggering a generation).

Also tested that enabling/disabling an extension properly cleared the
scopes, and requesting scopes again caused the new extension resources
to be included in the scope dictionary.
