Add "Publish and Archive" to the review dialog.

Review Request #9220 — Created Sept. 24, 2017 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


This change adds a shortcut allowing people who are publishing a review
to publish the review and archive the review request all in one shot.

Manually tested adding a comment and clicking "Publish and Archive" from
the banner. Once published, the review request is marked as archived.
Manually tested adding a comment, clicking "Edit Review" from the
banner, and clicking "Publish and Archive" from the review dialog view.
Once published, the review request is marked as archived.

Added 3 unit tests, which all pass (along with all other tests). One
scenario creates a new visit and archives the review request. The other
two scenarios update existing visits from visible to visible, and
visible to archived.

Added a javascript test to ensure that onPublishClicked is called with
the correct values.