Fixed Upload File dialog ungracefully failing when failing to connect to the web-server.

Review Request #9200 — Created Sept. 22, 2017 and discarded


Review Board


When failing to connect to the web-server, the server response message is parsed as a json object. If the server does not have a response message, the json object would be null, resulting in an error when trying to access members of the object.

Null checks were added for the json object, and if the object is null, the error message would default to "Unknown Error".

There were also issues with displaying the upload file dialog, where clicking Update -> Add File would not do anything.

The onUploadFileClicked() function was moved from reviewablePageView.es6.js to reviewRequestEditorView.es6.js, and the element's click function set to it.

Ran JSTests.

Tested manually by attempting to upload a file while the server was off. There were no javascript errors, and the displayed error message read "Unknown Error".

Description From Last Updated

It would be really, really nice to separate out the fix for the "Upload file" click bug into a different …


Can you wrap the description and testing done sections to 70 columns? It's also nice to put any code references …


You've introduced some new blank lines here. Please remove them.


Can we go back to defining the variable and assigning it in one step?

  2. Show all issues

    It would be really, really nice to separate out the fix for the "Upload file" click bug into a different review request. Ideally we want each change to do one independent thing.

  3. Show all issues

    Can you wrap the description and testing done sections to 70 columns? It's also nice to put any code references and filenames in backticks (`) so they show up highlighted.

  4. Show all issues

    You've introduced some new blank lines here. Please remove them.

  5. Show all issues

    Can we go back to defining the variable and assigning it in one step?

Review request changed
Change Summary:

See and for seperated bug fixes