Split the docs-specific dev dependencies into doc-requirements.txt.

Review Request #9015 — Created June 13, 2017 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


Some versions of our modules still support Python 2.6, but Sphinx 1.6+
has a dependency on the typing module, which does not. In order to
prevent development environments (such as from CI) from failing, and to
reduce the requirements for contributors, the docs-specific requirements
have been moved into doc-requirements.txt. These are completely
optional, and only needed when building the documentation.

These dependencies can be installed either by manually running
pip install -r doc-requirements.txt, or by passing --with-doc-deps
to setup.py develop.

The dependency versions have also been updated.

This is the same change that recently went into Djblets.

Tested with and without --with-doc-deps. Saw that the dependencies
did not install without it.
