Rewrite the Bazaar support to use the command line tool.

Review Request #8835 — Created March 22, 2017 and submitted


Review Board


Our support for Bazaar, a third-party contribution, has depended on
their Python API. This change rewrites the module, modernizing it and
updating it to use the command line bzr tool instead. This keeps us
license-compliant and improves maintainability.

The one tricky part about Bazaar compatibility is that in order to use a
custom SSH program (rbssh in our case), we have to register it using the
Python API. To solve this, the rbssh support has been moved to a Bazaar
plugin, which is loaded by bzr on launch. Review Board sets environment
variables to tell bzr when it can find this. The plugin lives in the
Review Board source tree, but isn't part of the product, and instead
acts as its own top-level module living in the bzrlib.plugins
namespace (a requirement for Bazaar plugins).

Some other parts, like the revision handling, have been improved to be
more versatile, allowing for additional revision specifiers. The rbssh
support has also been simplified some, making use of the existing
RB_LOCAL_SITE environment variable instead of having to define custom
URLs with the Local Site name.

Additional unit tests have been written to more thoroughly test Bazaar

Unit tests pass.

Tested unit tests without the bzr tool installed.

Tested functionality with a Bazaar repository.

Description From Last Updated

This should be marked as GPL, right?

  2. reviewboard/scmtools/bzr/plugins/README (Diff revision 1)
    Show all issues

    This should be marked as GPL, right?

    1. GPL'd apps can use MIT licensed modules. MIT and GPL are compatible in this way. I don't mind relicensing under GPL, if we have to, but I don't think that's necessary in this case?

    2. Yes, but this imports a GPL library and is therefore a derived work under the static linking section of the GPL and must be GPL itself, no?

    3. Fair point. I'll fix it.

  1. Ship It!
Review request changed

Status: Closed (submitted)

Change Summary:

Pushed to release-2.0.x (4832100)