Collapsing Old Reviews on Review Requests

Review Request #8489 — Created Oct. 25, 2016 and discarded — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


We want to promote discussion and foster ease of use for the site.
On active or old review requests it can be hard to track whats happening.
This can be helped by collapsing inactive reviews.
This makes it easier to browse and see whats new.

This is done by implementing logic such that:
1. If the review hasn't been seen (by this user), show it
2. If the review is new, show it
3. If there is a new reply, show the review
3. If the user has a draft for that review, show it
4. If there are open issues for the review, show it
5. Otherwise, hide it (via collapsing)

Tested by hand to make sure everything works
Unit tests written:
1. Test old review
2. Test new review
3. Test review with old reply
4. Test review with new reply
5. Test review with draft for user
6. Test review with draft for another user
7. Test review with open issue
8. Test all of the above when logged out
9. Test all of the above with user who hasn't visited before
10. Repeat test with same user now that they've visited
