Fix jasmine-suites support for Jasmine 1.4.

Review Request #8271 — Created July 7, 2016 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


Jasmine 1.4 changed how they kept state when building the tree of
suites and specs, and this broke a number of things with jasmine-suites.
Suites would lose their hierarchy and running specific specs wouldn't
work quite right.

This updates jasmine-suites to build the tree properly on Jasmine 1.4.
It basically has to get in and rearrange the tree of the currently-built
Jasmine Suite in a describe() call, changing things out from under
Jasmine and fixing up some state. Jasmine doesn't really mind this,
fortunately, meaning we can retain the abilities we had before.

Ran our test suite and saw that the tree of suites/specs were correct.
Saw that the links were correct for initial and added-on suites.
