Fix some issues with infoboxes.

Review Request #8175 — Created May 20, 2016 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


This fixes several issues with the new infobox implementation. To start with,
we now had one DOM element per possible infobox, which was a lot of elements
when looking at a dashboard. During the conversion, I also lost the timeout
before the infobox was shown. These two things combined so that if you quickly
scrolled your mouse across a bunch of users, it would pop up a ton of

All the views for any given type now share a single element, and coordinate a
bit so that if you switch which user you're looking at (or which bug), the
infobox will update immedatiely rather than waiting for a new timeout.

This also fixes a small styling issue that presented when users had their
profile set to private.

Looked at a dashboard and tested several of the weird cases that arose when
mousing over the "submitter" column. Set my profile to private and looked at
the infobox that resulted.
