[OAuth2Provider] Add dependencies and urls to provide OAuth2 support for external services

Review Request #7897 — Created Jan. 20, 2016 and discarded — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


Added into list of installed apps package django-tool-kit which provides
end-points and basic logic to manage client applications. All the end-points
for OAuth2 authorization with external services is moved to /oauth2/.
All the tool to manage client applications is a part of preference menu

Added package django-tool-kit into setup.py so that it will get install
with ReviewBoard during setup time. Even though the lastest version is 0.10,
the chosen version is 0.9 in order to be compatible with Django 1.6.

Note: please contact lehoangminh@live.com when you try to land the feature into master. I am more than happy to support the final integration

Manually tested the urls are setup correctly
Reran python setup.py develop