Fish Trophy

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Fish Trophy

Add smarter support for grabbing the latest Version for a database.

Review Request #7777 — Created Nov. 23, 2015 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Django Evolution


Historically, django-evolution was using Version.objects.latest() to
grab the latest version of the database schema. However, this was
failing in the event that you had two Version entries created within the
same second on a database that didn't have very good precision on
date/time fields (MySQL). This easily happened when both computing a
baseline for new models and then trying to perform very simple and fast
schema updates.

We now have a new function, current_version(), which does the same thing
that latest() did, but with the addition of factoring in the ordering of
the IDs. In the event that two timestamps match, the newer ID will now
take precedence, ensuring we're not looking at the "older" baseline

Unit tests pass.

Simulated the original problem we've seen on a database here. Verified
the same failure conditions (using an outdated schema, resulting in
"fields have changed" errors) with the old implementation. Saw the correct
results with the new one.
