Fix a couple regressions with the repository form cleanup.

Review Request #7775 — Created Nov. 18, 2015 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


The recent code cleanup for repositoryform.js introduced a couple of
regressions. One was a typo resulting in an invalid variable name and
incorrect result. There were also a couple of cleanups that resulted in
the wrong variables being shown/hidden.

While here, I fixed up a couple additional style changes, and changed a
parent() selector to parents(), which helps us a bit with the merge to
RBCommons (which needs parents() due to a slightly different page

JSHint passed.

Tested that there weren't any JavaScript errors in the case I hit before
(loading GitHub with multiple hosting service accounts).

Temporary updated GitHub to re-enable the SSH Key Association flag, and
verified that it was shown/hidden appropriately when switching services.
