Emoji Support [WIP]
Review Request #7708 β Created Oct. 17, 2015 and discarded
This project would add this support to any text field in Review Board, by listening for when the user types ":" (followed by two letters) at the beginning of a line or after a space, and presenting a list of possible Emoji.
The plan:
1) Find a library like Twemoji that will render unicode emoji characters & emoji shortnames (e.x.
) to an image.
2) Get emoji shortnames to render.
3) Work on shortname autocomplete.
4) Work on emoji picker UI.
4) Handle MySQL errors with Native Unicode EmojisTasks:
- DONE -- Get emoji shortnames to render
- DONE -- Have markdown ON/OFF decided whether the emojis should be rendered or not
- DONE -- Create autocomplete
- IN PROGRESS -- Create Emoji Picker UI
- 10/16/15 -- Added Emojione.min.js lib. Working on getting emoji shortname (e.x.
) to render after typing into text editor and pressing "OK". Running into issues where after making a comment with emoji shortname, emojis do not render when first loading a page. Also, another issue -- emojis will render when "Enable Markdown" is selected or deselected (options.richText is true).
- 10/23/15 -- No changes to code. Added more detail to description. Spent time researching autocomplete and codemirror.
- 11/1/15 -- Emojis will render correctly. Initially had unicode emojis saving into database as shortnames working, however, I realized that the code for this was written into jquery.gravy.inlineEditor.js which is in djiblets.
- 11/8/15 -- Completed emoji support with markdown ON/OFF. Now, Emojis will render only if markdown is enabled (checked). Emoji shortnames & Unicode emojis will revert from rendered emoji images if markdown is disabled.
- 11/15/15 -- Fixed style issues. Working on emoji autocomplete and UI.
- 11/19/15 -- Implemented Emoji Autocomplete & UI. Added library jquery.textcomplete.min.js. Several known bugs exist.
- 11/29/15 -- Refactored setEmojiAutoComplete and fixed issues. Still working on solving bugs.
- 12/1/15 -- Fixed Emoji Autocomplete bugs. Also changed stylesheet to appropriately size emojis.
- 12/5/15 -- Added Emoji Button to Markdown Enabled field.
Description | From | Last Updated | ||
if statement should have whitespace before the bracket: if (condition). |
JW jwu | |||
I believe when you have an if statement on multiple lines, you should line the conditions up: if (condition1 || β¦ |
JW jwu | |||
This too should be lined up similarily to the if statement conditions: variable = someLongFunction(argument1, argument2, argument3); |
JW jwu | |||
Same issue as above (not lined up properly). |
JW jwu | |||
Whitespace after the if statement. |
JW jwu | |||
We can refactor this to: newText = RB.LinkifyUtils.linkifyText(node.textContent, bugTrackerURL); if (el.children.length || (el.children.length === 0 && el.nodeName === 'P')) { β¦ |
$el.children().length |
The code that was there before is faster, because it doesn't have to loop through all children and wrap them β¦ |
if ($el.children().length) (undefined and 0 are both falsy). |
Same here. |
This isn't from your change. |
This looks to be duplicated. We don't want to duplicate code, so it's important that complex logic like this be β¦ |
can we make the node.textContent in next line? |
XU xutong | |||
There are no open issues |
I know this is still early, but I'd like to see a description of how you'll be tackling this. There are some real gotchas with this, and it's crucial we make sure we have a solid design before you do much development.
- Change Summary:
Made a better description
- Description:
~ added emojione lib
~ working on some issues -- will edit to add detail later ~ This project would add this support to any text field in Review Board, by listening for when the user types ":" (followed by two letters) at the beginning of a line or after a space, and presenting a list of possible Emoji.
~ + + + The plan:
+ + 1) Find a library like Twemoji that will render unicode emoji characters & emoji shortnames (e.x.
) to an image.
+ 2) Get emoji shortnames to render. + 3) Get unicode emojis to convert to emoji shortnames for storing in databases. + 4) Work on shortname autocomplete. + + + + Changes/Commits:
+ + - 10/16/15 -- Added Emojione.min.js lib. Working on getting emoji shortname (e.x.
) to render after typing into text editor and pressing "OK". Running into issues where after making a comment with emoji shortname, emojis do not render when first loading a page. Also, another issue -- emojis will render when "Enable Markdown" is selected or deselected (options.richText is true).
- 10/16/15 -- Added Emojione.min.js lib. Working on getting emoji shortname (e.x.
- Groups:
- Change Summary:
Edited description to give more detail on project. Not much changes to code.
- Description:
This project would add this support to any text field in Review Board, by listening for when the user types ":" (followed by two letters) at the beginning of a line or after a space, and presenting a list of possible Emoji.
The plan:
1) Find a library like Twemoji that will render unicode emoji characters & emoji shortnames (e.x.
) to an image.
2) Get emoji shortnames to render. 3) Get unicode emojis to convert to emoji shortnames for storing in databases. 4) Work on shortname autocomplete. + Tasks:
+ + - DONE -- Get emoji shortnames to render
+ - Get unicode emojis to save into database as shortnames (e.x. smile)
+ - Fix issue -- Emojis do not render after loading/reloading page
+ - Create autocomplete
+ + + + Issues:
+ + 1) Emojis do not render when loading/reloading a page
+ 2) options.richText in RB.formatText is true even though "Enable Markdown" is disabled? + 3) Low Priority: Emojis may be a bit too big right now -- needs resizing + + + + Questions:
+ + 1) What function saves the comment text to the database?
+ - I'd like to convert any unicode emojis to their shortname format before a comment is saved/published, so + that it's compatible with MySQL + 2) What function loads the list of comments? + - Emojis in comments don't render when loading a page. + - RB.formatText isn't called + - Emojis, right now, only render after pressing OK in the text editor + + + Changes/Commits:
- 10/16/15 -- Added Emojione.min.js lib. Working on getting emoji shortname (e.x.
) to render after typing into text editor and pressing "OK". Running into issues where after making a comment with emoji shortname, emojis do not render when first loading a page. Also, another issue -- emojis will render when "Enable Markdown" is selected or deselected (options.richText is true).
+ - 10/23/15 -- No changes to code. Added more detail to description. Spent time researching autocomplete and codemirror.
- Commit:

Tool: Pyflakes Processed Files: reviewboard/staticbundles.py Ignored Files: reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/textUtils.js reviewboard/static/lib/js/emojione.min.js Tool: PEP8 Style Checker Processed Files: reviewboard/staticbundles.py Ignored Files: reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/textUtils.js reviewboard/static/lib/js/emojione.min.js
- Change Summary:
- 11/1/15 -- Emojis will render correctly. Initially had unicode emojis saving into database as shortnames working, however, I realized that the code for this was written into jquery.gravy.inlineEditor.js which is in djiblets.
- Description:
This project would add this support to any text field in Review Board, by listening for when the user types ":" (followed by two letters) at the beginning of a line or after a space, and presenting a list of possible Emoji.
The plan:
1) Find a library like Twemoji that will render unicode emoji characters & emoji shortnames (e.x.
) to an image.
2) Get emoji shortnames to render. 3) Get unicode emojis to convert to emoji shortnames for storing in databases. 4) Work on shortname autocomplete. Tasks:
- DONE -- Get emoji shortnames to render
- Get unicode emojis to save into database as shortnames (e.x. smile)
~ - Fix issue -- Emojis do not render after loading/reloading page
~ - Have markdown ON/OFF decided whether the emojis should be rendered or not
- Create autocomplete
~ 1) Emojis do not render when loading/reloading a page
~ 2) options.richText in RB.formatText is true even though "Enable Markdown" is disabled? ~ 1) I have unicode emojis saving into the database as shortnames. HOWEVER, I realized that I wrote this in djiblets/js/jquery.gravy.inlineEditor.js. It doesn't seem right to for the code to handle this to be in another folder, which is djiblets. I'm going to have to write a way for this to be in textEditorView.js.
~ 2) formatText doesn't seem to actually know if markdown is enabled or not. richText is always true. So as of right now, emojis will always render. - 3) Low Priority: Emojis may be a bit too big right now -- needs resizing - Questions:
- - 1) What function saves the comment text to the database?
- - I'd like to convert any unicode emojis to their shortname format before a comment is saved/published, so - that it's compatible with MySQL - 2) What function loads the list of comments? - - Emojis in comments don't render when loading a page. - - RB.formatText isn't called - - Emojis, right now, only render after pressing OK in the text editor - Changes/Commits:
- 10/16/15 -- Added Emojione.min.js lib. Working on getting emoji shortname (e.x.
) to render after typing into text editor and pressing "OK". Running into issues where after making a comment with emoji shortname, emojis do not render when first loading a page. Also, another issue -- emojis will render when "Enable Markdown" is selected or deselected (options.richText is true).
- 10/23/15 -- No changes to code. Added more detail to description. Spent time researching autocomplete and codemirror.
+ - 11/1/15 -- Emojis will render correctly. Initially had unicode emojis saving into database as shortnames working, however, I realized that the code for this was written into jquery.gravy.inlineEditor.js which is in djiblets.
- Branch:
- Commit:

Tool: PEP8 Style Checker Processed Files: reviewboard/staticbundles.py Ignored Files: reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/linkifyUtils.js reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/textUtils.js reviewboard/static/lib/js/emojione.min.js Tool: Pyflakes Processed Files: reviewboard/staticbundles.py Ignored Files: reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/linkifyUtils.js reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/textUtils.js reviewboard/static/lib/js/emojione.min.js
- Change Summary:
- Edited description. Removed converting unicode to shortnames.
- Completed emoji support with markdown ON/OFF. Now, Emojis will render only if markdown is enabled (checked). Emoji shortnames & Unicode emojis will revert from rendered emoji images if markdown is disabled.
- Description:
This project would add this support to any text field in Review Board, by listening for when the user types ":" (followed by two letters) at the beginning of a line or after a space, and presenting a list of possible Emoji.
The plan:
1) Find a library like Twemoji that will render unicode emoji characters & emoji shortnames (e.x.
) to an image.
2) Get emoji shortnames to render. ~ 3) Get unicode emojis to convert to emoji shortnames for storing in databases. ~ 4) Work on shortname autocomplete. ~ 3) Work on shortname autocomplete. ~ 4) Handle MySQL errors with Native Unicode Emojis Tasks:
- DONE -- Get emoji shortnames to render
~ - Get unicode emojis to save into database as shortnames (e.x. smile)
~ - Have markdown ON/OFF decided whether the emojis should be rendered or not
~ - DONE -- Have markdown ON/OFF decided whether the emojis should be rendered or not
~ - Create autocomplete
- - Create autocomplete
- 1) I have unicode emojis saving into the database as shortnames. HOWEVER, I realized that I wrote this in djiblets/js/jquery.gravy.inlineEditor.js. It doesn't seem right to for the code to handle this to be in another folder, which is djiblets. I'm going to have to write a way for this to be in textEditorView.js.
- 2) formatText doesn't seem to actually know if markdown is enabled or not. richText is always true. So as of right now, emojis will always render. - Changes/Commits:
- 10/16/15 -- Added Emojione.min.js lib. Working on getting emoji shortname (e.x.
) to render after typing into text editor and pressing "OK". Running into issues where after making a comment with emoji shortname, emojis do not render when first loading a page. Also, another issue -- emojis will render when "Enable Markdown" is selected or deselected (options.richText is true).
- 10/23/15 -- No changes to code. Added more detail to description. Spent time researching autocomplete and codemirror.
- 11/1/15 -- Emojis will render correctly. Initially had unicode emojis saving into database as shortnames working, however, I realized that the code for this was written into jquery.gravy.inlineEditor.js which is in djiblets.
+ - 11/8/15 -- Completed emoji support with markdown ON/OFF. Now, Emojis will render only if markdown is enabled (checked). Emoji shortnames & Unicode emojis will revert from rendered emoji images if markdown is disabled.
- Commit:

Tool: PEP8 Style Checker Processed Files: reviewboard/staticbundles.py Ignored Files: reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/linkifyUtils.js reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/textUtils.js reviewboard/static/lib/js/emojione.min.js Tool: Pyflakes Processed Files: reviewboard/staticbundles.py Ignored Files: reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/linkifyUtils.js reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/textUtils.js reviewboard/static/lib/js/emojione.min.js
I believe when you have an if statement on multiple lines, you should line the conditions up:
if (condition1 || condition2) { }
Here you have an extra spcae which misaligns the two conditions. If you fix the whitespace issue on the previous line, then the conditions will line up.
This too should be lined up similarily to the if statement conditions:
variable = someLongFunction(argument1, argument2, argument3);
- Change Summary:
Fixed style issues
- Description:
This project would add this support to any text field in Review Board, by listening for when the user types ":" (followed by two letters) at the beginning of a line or after a space, and presenting a list of possible Emoji.
The plan:
1) Find a library like Twemoji that will render unicode emoji characters & emoji shortnames (e.x.
) to an image.
2) Get emoji shortnames to render. 3) Work on shortname autocomplete. 4) Handle MySQL errors with Native Unicode Emojis Tasks:
- DONE -- Get emoji shortnames to render
- DONE -- Have markdown ON/OFF decided whether the emojis should be rendered or not
~ - Create autocomplete
~ - IN PROGRESS -- Create autocomplete
~ ~ - I've had no success trying to implement other autocomplete menu libraries onto CodeMirror. I was hoping to use them because they look nice. CodeMirror has it's own autocompletion feature, but it doesn't look nice, or have the ability to show emoji images right next to the shortname in a dropdown.
- 10/16/15 -- Added Emojione.min.js lib. Working on getting emoji shortname (e.x.
) to render after typing into text editor and pressing "OK". Running into issues where after making a comment with emoji shortname, emojis do not render when first loading a page. Also, another issue -- emojis will render when "Enable Markdown" is selected or deselected (options.richText is true).
- 10/23/15 -- No changes to code. Added more detail to description. Spent time researching autocomplete and codemirror.
- 11/1/15 -- Emojis will render correctly. Initially had unicode emojis saving into database as shortnames working, however, I realized that the code for this was written into jquery.gravy.inlineEditor.js which is in djiblets.
- 11/8/15 -- Completed emoji support with markdown ON/OFF. Now, Emojis will render only if markdown is enabled (checked). Emoji shortnames & Unicode emojis will revert from rendered emoji images if markdown is disabled.
+ - 11/15/15 -- Fixed style issues. Working on emoji autocomplete and UI.
- Commit:

Tool: Pyflakes Processed Files: reviewboard/staticbundles.py Ignored Files: reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/linkifyUtils.js reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/textUtils.js reviewboard/static/lib/js/emojione.min.js Tool: PEP8 Style Checker Processed Files: reviewboard/staticbundles.py Ignored Files: reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/linkifyUtils.js reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/textUtils.js reviewboard/static/lib/js/emojione.min.js
- Change Summary:
- 11/19/15 -- Implemented Emoji Autocomplete & UI. Added library jquery.textcomplete.min.js. Several known bugs exist.
- Description:
This project would add this support to any text field in Review Board, by listening for when the user types ":" (followed by two letters) at the beginning of a line or after a space, and presenting a list of possible Emoji.
The plan:
1) Find a library like Twemoji that will render unicode emoji characters & emoji shortnames (e.x.
) to an image.
2) Get emoji shortnames to render. 3) Work on shortname autocomplete. 4) Handle MySQL errors with Native Unicode Emojis Tasks:
- DONE -- Get emoji shortnames to render
- DONE -- Have markdown ON/OFF decided whether the emojis should be rendered or not
- IN PROGRESS -- Create autocomplete
~ - I've had no success trying to implement other autocomplete menu libraries onto CodeMirror. I was hoping to use them because they look nice. CodeMirror has it's own autocompletion feature, but it doesn't look nice, or have the ability to show emoji images right next to the shortname in a dropdown.
~ - While markdown is enabled and the autocomplete UI is showing, pressing the enter key will create a newline. This will not select & input any hovered item in the dropdown. The dropdown will disappear.
+ - Markdown enabled checkbox & footer text duplicates everytime a change is saved in a draft.
+ - While markdown is enabled, the insertion of text is buggy due to the emoji autocomplete dropdown appearing. (e.x Text that was inputted will disappear).
- 10/16/15 -- Added Emojione.min.js lib. Working on getting emoji shortname (e.x.
) to render after typing into text editor and pressing "OK". Running into issues where after making a comment with emoji shortname, emojis do not render when first loading a page. Also, another issue -- emojis will render when "Enable Markdown" is selected or deselected (options.richText is true).
- 10/23/15 -- No changes to code. Added more detail to description. Spent time researching autocomplete and codemirror.
- 11/1/15 -- Emojis will render correctly. Initially had unicode emojis saving into database as shortnames working, however, I realized that the code for this was written into jquery.gravy.inlineEditor.js which is in djiblets.
- 11/8/15 -- Completed emoji support with markdown ON/OFF. Now, Emojis will render only if markdown is enabled (checked). Emoji shortnames & Unicode emojis will revert from rendered emoji images if markdown is disabled.
- 11/15/15 -- Fixed style issues. Working on emoji autocomplete and UI.
+ - 11/19/15 -- Implemented Emoji Autocomplete & UI. Added library jquery.textcomplete.min.js. Several known bugs exist.
- Commit:
- Diff:
Revision 6 (+248 -7)

Tool: Pyflakes Processed Files: reviewboard/staticbundles.py Ignored Files: reviewboard/static/lib/js/jquery.textcomplete.min.js reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/textUtils.js reviewboard/static/lib/css/emoji_dropdown.css reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/linkifyUtils.js reviewboard/static/rb/js/ui/views/textEditorView.js reviewboard/static/lib/js/emoji_strategy.json reviewboard/static/lib/js/emojione.min.js Tool: PEP8 Style Checker Processed Files: reviewboard/staticbundles.py Ignored Files: reviewboard/static/lib/js/jquery.textcomplete.min.js reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/textUtils.js reviewboard/static/lib/css/emoji_dropdown.css reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/linkifyUtils.js reviewboard/static/rb/js/ui/views/textEditorView.js reviewboard/static/lib/js/emoji_strategy.json reviewboard/static/lib/js/emojione.min.js
The code that was there before is faster, because it doesn't have to loop through all children and wrap them in jQuery objects. Since we're only checking if there are children, there's no need to do this extra work.
This looks to be duplicated. We don't want to duplicate code, so it's important that complex logic like this be only in one place.
- Change Summary:
- 11/29/15 -- Refactored setEmojiAutoComplete and fixed issues. Still working on solving bugs.
- Description:
This project would add this support to any text field in Review Board, by listening for when the user types ":" (followed by two letters) at the beginning of a line or after a space, and presenting a list of possible Emoji.
The plan:
1) Find a library like Twemoji that will render unicode emoji characters & emoji shortnames (e.x.
) to an image.
2) Get emoji shortnames to render. 3) Work on shortname autocomplete. 4) Handle MySQL errors with Native Unicode Emojis Tasks:
- DONE -- Get emoji shortnames to render
- DONE -- Have markdown ON/OFF decided whether the emojis should be rendered or not
- IN PROGRESS -- Create autocomplete
- While markdown is enabled and the autocomplete UI is showing, pressing the enter key will create a newline. This will not select & input any hovered item in the dropdown. The dropdown will disappear.
- Markdown enabled checkbox & footer text duplicates everytime a change is saved in a draft.
- While markdown is enabled, the insertion of text is buggy due to the emoji autocomplete dropdown appearing. (e.x Text that was inputted will disappear).
- 10/16/15 -- Added Emojione.min.js lib. Working on getting emoji shortname (e.x.
) to render after typing into text editor and pressing "OK". Running into issues where after making a comment with emoji shortname, emojis do not render when first loading a page. Also, another issue -- emojis will render when "Enable Markdown" is selected or deselected (options.richText is true).
- 10/23/15 -- No changes to code. Added more detail to description. Spent time researching autocomplete and codemirror.
- 11/1/15 -- Emojis will render correctly. Initially had unicode emojis saving into database as shortnames working, however, I realized that the code for this was written into jquery.gravy.inlineEditor.js which is in djiblets.
- 11/8/15 -- Completed emoji support with markdown ON/OFF. Now, Emojis will render only if markdown is enabled (checked). Emoji shortnames & Unicode emojis will revert from rendered emoji images if markdown is disabled.
- 11/15/15 -- Fixed style issues. Working on emoji autocomplete and UI.
- 11/19/15 -- Implemented Emoji Autocomplete & UI. Added library jquery.textcomplete.min.js. Several known bugs exist.
+ - 11/29/15 -- Refactored setEmojiAutoComplete and fixed issues. Still working on solving bugs.
- Commit:
- Diff:
Revision 7 (+202 -7)

Tool: PEP8 Style Checker Processed Files: reviewboard/staticbundles.py Ignored Files: reviewboard/static/lib/js/jquery.textcomplete.min.js reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/textUtils.js reviewboard/static/lib/css/emoji_dropdown.css reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/linkifyUtils.js reviewboard/static/rb/js/ui/views/textEditorView.js reviewboard/static/lib/js/emoji_strategy.json reviewboard/static/lib/js/emojione.min.js Tool: Pyflakes Processed Files: reviewboard/staticbundles.py Ignored Files: reviewboard/static/lib/js/jquery.textcomplete.min.js reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/textUtils.js reviewboard/static/lib/css/emoji_dropdown.css reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/linkifyUtils.js reviewboard/static/rb/js/ui/views/textEditorView.js reviewboard/static/lib/js/emoji_strategy.json reviewboard/static/lib/js/emojione.min.js
- Change Summary:
- 12/1/15 -- Fixed Emoji Autocomplete bugs. Also changed stylesheet to appropriately size emojis.
- Description:
This project would add this support to any text field in Review Board, by listening for when the user types ":" (followed by two letters) at the beginning of a line or after a space, and presenting a list of possible Emoji.
The plan:
1) Find a library like Twemoji that will render unicode emoji characters & emoji shortnames (e.x.
) to an image.
2) Get emoji shortnames to render. 3) Work on shortname autocomplete. + 4) Work on emoji picker UI. 4) Handle MySQL errors with Native Unicode Emojis Tasks:
- DONE -- Get emoji shortnames to render
- DONE -- Have markdown ON/OFF decided whether the emojis should be rendered or not
~ - IN PROGRESS -- Create autocomplete
~ ~ - DONE -- Create autocomplete
~ - IN PROGRESS -- Create Emoji Picker UI
- - - Issues:
- - - While markdown is enabled and the autocomplete UI is showing, pressing the enter key will create a newline. This will not select & input any hovered item in the dropdown. The dropdown will disappear.
- - Markdown enabled checkbox & footer text duplicates everytime a change is saved in a draft.
- - While markdown is enabled, the insertion of text is buggy due to the emoji autocomplete dropdown appearing. (e.x Text that was inputted will disappear).
- 10/16/15 -- Added Emojione.min.js lib. Working on getting emoji shortname (e.x.
) to render after typing into text editor and pressing "OK". Running into issues where after making a comment with emoji shortname, emojis do not render when first loading a page. Also, another issue -- emojis will render when "Enable Markdown" is selected or deselected (options.richText is true).
- 10/23/15 -- No changes to code. Added more detail to description. Spent time researching autocomplete and codemirror.
- 11/1/15 -- Emojis will render correctly. Initially had unicode emojis saving into database as shortnames working, however, I realized that the code for this was written into jquery.gravy.inlineEditor.js which is in djiblets.
- 11/8/15 -- Completed emoji support with markdown ON/OFF. Now, Emojis will render only if markdown is enabled (checked). Emoji shortnames & Unicode emojis will revert from rendered emoji images if markdown is disabled.
- 11/15/15 -- Fixed style issues. Working on emoji autocomplete and UI.
- 11/19/15 -- Implemented Emoji Autocomplete & UI. Added library jquery.textcomplete.min.js. Several known bugs exist.
- 11/29/15 -- Refactored setEmojiAutoComplete and fixed issues. Still working on solving bugs.
+ - 12/1/15 -- Fixed Emoji Autocomplete bugs. Also changed stylesheet to appropriately size emojis.
- Commit:
- Diff:
Revision 8 (+224 -6)

Tool: Pyflakes Processed Files: reviewboard/staticbundles.py Ignored Files: reviewboard/static/lib/js/jquery.textcomplete.min.js reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/textUtils.js reviewboard/static/lib/css/emoji_dropdown.css reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/linkifyUtils.js reviewboard/static/rb/js/ui/views/textEditorView.js reviewboard/static/lib/js/emoji_strategy.json reviewboard/static/lib/js/emojione.min.js Tool: PEP8 Style Checker Processed Files: reviewboard/staticbundles.py Ignored Files: reviewboard/static/lib/js/jquery.textcomplete.min.js reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/textUtils.js reviewboard/static/lib/css/emoji_dropdown.css reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/linkifyUtils.js reviewboard/static/rb/js/ui/views/textEditorView.js reviewboard/static/lib/js/emoji_strategy.json reviewboard/static/lib/js/emojione.min.js
I'm not sure if .one is a valid function, but according to my initial pull, this is how it was initially. Somewhere in a past revision, I thought I might've accidently pressed 'e' so I removed it. As a result, this was causing a bug where the 'markdown enabled' checkbox to duplicate after making a change to a comment or description. Now that I put it back, no bugs :)
- Change Summary:
- 12/5/15 -- Added Emoji Button to Markdown Enabled field.
- Description:
This project would add this support to any text field in Review Board, by listening for when the user types ":" (followed by two letters) at the beginning of a line or after a space, and presenting a list of possible Emoji.
The plan:
1) Find a library like Twemoji that will render unicode emoji characters & emoji shortnames (e.x.
) to an image.
2) Get emoji shortnames to render. 3) Work on shortname autocomplete. 4) Work on emoji picker UI. 4) Handle MySQL errors with Native Unicode Emojis Tasks:
- DONE -- Get emoji shortnames to render
- DONE -- Have markdown ON/OFF decided whether the emojis should be rendered or not
- DONE -- Create autocomplete
- IN PROGRESS -- Create Emoji Picker UI
- 10/16/15 -- Added Emojione.min.js lib. Working on getting emoji shortname (e.x.
) to render after typing into text editor and pressing "OK". Running into issues where after making a comment with emoji shortname, emojis do not render when first loading a page. Also, another issue -- emojis will render when "Enable Markdown" is selected or deselected (options.richText is true).
- 10/23/15 -- No changes to code. Added more detail to description. Spent time researching autocomplete and codemirror.
- 11/1/15 -- Emojis will render correctly. Initially had unicode emojis saving into database as shortnames working, however, I realized that the code for this was written into jquery.gravy.inlineEditor.js which is in djiblets.
- 11/8/15 -- Completed emoji support with markdown ON/OFF. Now, Emojis will render only if markdown is enabled (checked). Emoji shortnames & Unicode emojis will revert from rendered emoji images if markdown is disabled.
- 11/15/15 -- Fixed style issues. Working on emoji autocomplete and UI.
- 11/19/15 -- Implemented Emoji Autocomplete & UI. Added library jquery.textcomplete.min.js. Several known bugs exist.
- 11/29/15 -- Refactored setEmojiAutoComplete and fixed issues. Still working on solving bugs.
- 12/1/15 -- Fixed Emoji Autocomplete bugs. Also changed stylesheet to appropriately size emojis.
+ - 12/5/15 -- Added Emoji Button to Markdown Enabled field.
- Commit:
- Diff:
Revision 9 (+241 -6)

Tool: Pyflakes Processed Files: reviewboard/staticbundles.py Ignored Files: reviewboard/static/lib/js/jquery.textcomplete.min.js reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/textUtils.js reviewboard/static/lib/css/emoji_dropdown.css reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/linkifyUtils.js reviewboard/static/rb/js/ui/views/textEditorView.js reviewboard/static/lib/js/emoji_strategy.json reviewboard/static/lib/js/emojione.min.js Tool: PEP8 Style Checker Processed Files: reviewboard/staticbundles.py Ignored Files: reviewboard/static/lib/js/jquery.textcomplete.min.js reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/textUtils.js reviewboard/static/lib/css/emoji_dropdown.css reviewboard/static/rb/js/utils/linkifyUtils.js reviewboard/static/rb/js/ui/views/textEditorView.js reviewboard/static/lib/js/emoji_strategy.json reviewboard/static/lib/js/emojione.min.js