brennie got a fish trophy!

Send "Ship It!" e-mail headers
Review Request #7557 — Created July 28, 2015 and submitted
Review Board now sends special headers along with review e-mails
indicating if a review contains a "Ship It!" (in which case it will
contain theX-ReviewBoard-ShipIt
header) or if it only contains a
"Ship It!" it (in which case both theX-ReviewBoard-ShipIt
headers will be sent).Test cases have been added that cover all possible review scenarios.
Ran unit tests.
Description | From | Last Updated |
Col: 80 E501 line too long (80 > 79 characters) |
![]() |
You can do assertIn and assertNotIn for these sorts of tests. (These came after the implementation of the older tests … |
We should also support the case of Ship It with no body text at all (such as going into the … |
Let's specifically say diff comments. |
"Return" |
As per above, let's support either SHIP_IT_TEXT or an empty body. |
- Depends On:

Tool: Pyflakes Processed Files: reviewboard/testing/testcase.py reviewboard/notifications/email.py reviewboard/notifications/tests.py reviewboard/reviews/models/review.py Tool: PEP8 Style Checker Processed Files: reviewboard/testing/testcase.py reviewboard/notifications/email.py reviewboard/notifications/tests.py reviewboard/reviews/models/review.py

Tool: Pyflakes Processed Files: reviewboard/testing/testcase.py reviewboard/notifications/email.py reviewboard/notifications/tests.py reviewboard/reviews/models/review.py Tool: PEP8 Style Checker Processed Files: reviewboard/testing/testcase.py reviewboard/notifications/email.py reviewboard/notifications/tests.py reviewboard/reviews/models/review.py
- Change Summary:
Address Christian's issues.
- Description:
Review Board now sends special headers along with review e-mails
indicating if a review contains a "Ship It!" (in which case it will contain the X-ReviewBoard-ShipIt
header) or if it only contains a"Ship It!" it (in which case both the X-ReviewBoard-ShipIt
and~ X-ReviewBoard-ShipIt-Only
headers will be sent.~ X-ReviewBoard-ShipIt-Only
headers will be sent).Test cases have been added that cover all possible review scenarios.

Tool: Pyflakes Processed Files: reviewboard/testing/testcase.py reviewboard/notifications/email.py reviewboard/notifications/tests.py reviewboard/reviews/models/review.py Tool: PEP8 Style Checker Processed Files: reviewboard/testing/testcase.py reviewboard/notifications/email.py reviewboard/notifications/tests.py reviewboard/reviews/models/review.py