Add a comment-type categorization extension.

Review Request #7444 — Created June 22, 2015 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded




This new extension allows people to configure a set of available "types" for
comments, and either allow or require users to set the type of each comment.
Once set, the comment type is visible next to each comment in the review, and
can be retrieved via the extra_data field in the API.

  • Added, removed, and edited comment types in the extension's configuration
    interface. Verified that the list was always saved correctly.
  • Tested that the configured types showed up properly in the comment dialog and
    review dialog. Checked that when 'require ...' was unchecked there was an
    empty option listed first, and that the visibility flag was handled
  • Tested opening the comment dialog and review dialog for existing comments
    that didn't have a type set, and that there was an empty option preselected.
  • Tested saving the type from the comment dialog and review dialog. Checked
    that it was always persisted correctly. Tested that the initial selection was
    correct when opening comments with a saved type.
  • Tested the display of the type in the reviews page.