Update spinners in djblets to use FontAwesome.

Review Request #7345 — Created May 27, 2015 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded




This change fixes the spinners in the config-forms styles to use the font
awesome spinner, and removes some extra styles for the activity indicator which
got copied over from Review Board but really shouldn't have been in djblets at
all (there's no activity indicator in any of the djblets code).

As part of this, I've added a template that loads font-awesome from
cdnjs.cloudflare.com. This works similarly to the way djblets currently loads
various javascript libraries, and is intended to be overridden by templates in
any consuming application.

  • Verified that the cdnjs font-awesome style was loaded correctly when an
    override was not present, and that overriding the fontawesome.html template
  • Checked that the spinner looked correct in the "API Tokens" page.
  • Enabled and disabled some extensions and checked that the activity indicator
    wasn't improperly overridden.