Fish Trophy

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Fish Trophy

Add support for returning only certain fields or links in the API.

Review Request #6776 — Created Jan. 15, 2015 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded




API resources now support a couple new query arguments for limiting the
results in a payload, in order to reduce database queries and payload

The ?only-fields= query argument limits the returned fields in the
payload to the comma-separated list of field names. If the value is
blank, then no fields will be returned, leaving only links.

Likewise, the ?only-links= query argument limits the returned links in the
payload. It behaves exactly like ?only-fields=.

Resources that inject custom fields into the payload outside of
serialize_object() can call get_only_fields() and get_only_links() to
determine whether to include specific fields.

Unit tests pass.

Tested this pretty extensively with changes to rbt post and with custom
curl commands on several resources in Review Board.
