Allow Hosting Service Integration through ReviewBoard Extensions
Review Request #6572 — Created Nov. 9, 2014 and submitted
There's now a HostingServiceHook that extensions can use to register hosting services. This handles registering, unregistering, and retriving the hosting sevices.
Unit test have been written to make sure that HostingService subclasses are registered and unregistered properly.
- Summary:
[WIP] Allow Hosting Service Integration through ReviewBoard ExtensionsAllow Hosting Service Integration through ReviewBoard Extensions
- Description:
There's now a SCMToolHook that extensions can use to register source code management tools. This handles registering, unregistering, and retriving the SCM tools.
- - TODO:
- Write unit tests. - Make sure the hook is properly intergrated. - Write a longer and more informative docsting. - Testing Done:
+ Unit test have been written to make sure that HostingService subclasses are registered and unregistered properly.
- Commit:

Tool: Pyflakes Processed Files: reviewboard/extensions/ reviewboard/extensions/ Tool: PEP8 Style Checker Processed Files: reviewboard/extensions/ reviewboard/extensions/
- Description:
~ There's now a SCMToolHook that extensions can use to register source code management tools. This handles registering, unregistering, and retriving the SCM tools.
~ There's now a HostingServiceHook that extensions can use to register hosting services. This handles registering, unregistering, and retriving the hosting sevices.