Upgrade lesscss to 1.7.5.

Review Request #6558 — Created Nov. 5, 2014 and submitted


Review Board


During Review Board 2.0 development, we upgraded to less 1.5.1, which
had some changes we provided to them needed for our extension support.
Many improvements have since gone in that we'd like to take advantage

This change bumps us up to 1.7.5. This is backwards-compatible with
1.5.1, and shouldn't negatively impact any extensions or the site.

Played around with all the major parts of the site. Didn't see any
problems at all.

Built static media for a release. All looked fine.

Built some extensions using less and RB's option settings. It all
worked fine.

Description From Last Updated

Can we use a non-minified version here for debuggability?

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    Can we use a non-minified version here for debuggability?

    1. We can, but we've never needed it before that I know, and it's just more content to deal with (3x the size). Are you expecting we'll need that?

    2. I guess for this it doesn't really matter. That said, I can't really hurt that much because it's all on the devserver (no real transmission times) and we don't really care about disk space.

    3. True, it doesn't really have a real impact on the dev server. The only concern I have is that it's extra weight (~200KB) for the package, since we do distribute it (in case DEBUG=True).

    4. Can we use pipeline to compile that for the packaged version?

    5. We can do that (and I just implemented and tested it), but we still have to ship all source files so that static lookups work for pipeline.

      When pipelining, we end up shipping the original source version, a stamped source version, and then the minified bundle. Right now, we don't use a bundle for this, so we only ship the two original versions, for a total combined size of 206KB (or 64KB compressed, for the package download).

      With a move to pipelining and shipping the unminified version, we end up with a combined size of 852KB (or 183KB compressed, for the package download).

    6. Sorry, numbers messed up there. Pipelined version is 671KB, compressed 153KB.

    7. Alternatively, is there a source map?

    8. Not that I see.

    9. OK. For this I don't particularly care, but I definitely want to use either non-minified copies or have source maps for other things like jquery and backbone.

    10. Yeah, I'm good with that. Source maps are a good way to go because we can safely strip those from packages.

Review request changed