Sandbox reviewboard.attachments.mimetypes.MimetypeHandler
Review Request #6532 — Created Oct. 29, 2014 and submitted
Extensions that create a MimetypeHandler subclass can throw exceptions inside Review Board. The sections of Review Board that call those methods have been sandboxed.
Now when a MimetypeHandler subclass from an extension throws an exception, and Review Board logs the errors. The error logs give enough information to find which method in the MimetypeHandler subclass threw the exception.
Unit tests have been written to make sure that functions from an MimetypeHandler subclass have been called, and when an exception is thrown it gets logged.
The tests fail without the sanboxing, and succeed with it.
Description | From | Last Updated |
"... for MimetypeHandler %r: ...' Same below. |
This isn't testing extension sandboxing. Missing a trailing period. |
On this test and the others, we should also ensure the function we're expecting to call is in fact called … |
No need for the _mimetypehandler on these. |
We shouldn't be accessing private functions. Instead, access the property. |
As above, we should be using the property, not the private function. |
These are only testing our code and not anything with a custom MimetypeHandler. Not necessary to do that. Also, there's … |
Col: 80 E501 line too long (81 > 79 characters) |
![]() |
Col: 80 E501 line too long (83 > 79 characters) |
![]() |
Col: 80 E501 line too long (80 > 79 characters) |
![]() |
'register_mimetype_handler' imported but unused |
![]() |
'unregister_mimetype_handler' imported but unused |
![]() |
'FileAttachmentThumbnailHook' imported but unused |
![]() |
undefined name 'MimetypeHandler' |
![]() |
'SpyAgency' imported but unused |
![]() |
I believe you'll want to tear down both parent classes explicitly: SpyAgency.tearDown(self) BaseFileAttachmentTestCase.tearDown(self) |
Instead of creating a filediff and using create_from_filediff, you can just call self.create_file_attachment(). That way you can probably also avoid … |
This still needs to return something (None). |
This still needs to return something (None). |
I prefer these to be in the form of: """Tested FileAttachment sandboxes MimetypeHandler.get_thumbnail""" And similar. The reason being that these … |
This should be "Testing" (not "Tested") |
And here. |
And here. |
- Summary:
[WIP] reviewboard.attachments.mimetypes.MimetypeHandler sandboxingreviewboard.attachments.mimetypes.MimetypeHandler sandboxing
- Description:
Unit tests for reviewboard.attachments.mimetypes.MimetypeHandler, and then sandboxing call to get_thumbnail, set_thumbnail, and get_icon_url on the reviewboard.attachments.mimetypes.MimetypeHandler subclass
~ Hook to be sandboxed: FileAttachmentThumbnailHook
~ Hook sandboxed: FileAttachmentThumbnailHook
Methods sandboxed:
get_thumbnail() set_thumbnail() get_icon_url() - Testing Done:
~ Ran unit tests.
~ Ran unit tests; tests initially fail and succeed when sandboxing is added.
- Commit:

Tool: Pyflakes Processed Files: reviewboard/attachments/ reviewboard/extensions/ reviewboard/attachments/ Tool: PEP8 Style Checker Processed Files: reviewboard/attachments/ reviewboard/extensions/ reviewboard/attachments/
On this test and the others, we should also ensure the function we're expecting to call is in fact called by using a spy (and making sure to set it to call the original function).
These are only testing our code and not anything with a custom MimetypeHandler. Not necessary to do that. Also, there's no sandboxing there anyway.

Tool: Pyflakes Processed Files: reviewboard/attachments/ reviewboard/extensions/ reviewboard/attachments/ Tool: PEP8 Style Checker Processed Files: reviewboard/attachments/ reviewboard/extensions/ reviewboard/attachments/

Tool: Pyflakes Processed Files: reviewboard/attachments/ reviewboard/extensions/ reviewboard/attachments/ Tool: PEP8 Style Checker Processed Files: reviewboard/attachments/ reviewboard/extensions/ reviewboard/attachments/

Tool: Pyflakes Processed Files: reviewboard/attachments/ reviewboard/extensions/ reviewboard/attachments/ Tool: PEP8 Style Checker Processed Files: reviewboard/attachments/ reviewboard/extensions/ reviewboard/attachments/

Tool: Pyflakes Processed Files: reviewboard/attachments/ reviewboard/attachments/ Tool: PEP8 Style Checker Processed Files: reviewboard/attachments/ reviewboard/attachments/

Tool: Pyflakes Processed Files: reviewboard/attachments/ reviewboard/attachments/ Tool: PEP8 Style Checker Processed Files: reviewboard/attachments/ reviewboard/attachments/
- Description:
~ Unit tests for reviewboard.attachments.mimetypes.MimetypeHandler, and then sandboxing call to get_thumbnail, set_thumbnail, and get_icon_url on the reviewboard.attachments.mimetypes.MimetypeHandler subclass
~ Extensions that create a MimetypeHandler subclass can throw exceptions inside Reviewboard. The parts of Reviewboard that call those methods have been sandboxed.
~ Hook sandboxed: FileAttachmentThumbnailHook
~ Now when a MimetypeHandler subclass from an extension throws an exception; Reviewboard logs the errors with enough information to find which method in the MimetypeHandler subclass threw the exception.
- - Methods sandboxed:
- get_thumbnail() - set_thumbnail() - get_icon_url() - Testing Done:
~ Ran unit tests; tests initially fail and succeed when sandboxing is added.
~ Unit tests have been written to make sure that functions from an MimetypeHandler subclass have been called, and when an exception is thrown it gets logged.
+ + The tests fail without the sanboxing, and succeed with it.

Tool: Pyflakes Processed Files: reviewboard/attachments/ reviewboard/attachments/ Tool: PEP8 Style Checker Processed Files: reviewboard/attachments/ reviewboard/attachments/

Tool: Pyflakes Processed Files: reviewboard/attachments/ reviewboard/attachments/ Tool: PEP8 Style Checker Processed Files: reviewboard/attachments/ reviewboard/attachments/

Tool: PEP8 Style Checker Processed Files: reviewboard/attachments/ reviewboard/attachments/ Tool: Pyflakes Processed Files: reviewboard/attachments/ reviewboard/attachments/

Tool: Pyflakes Processed Files: reviewboard/attachments/ reviewboard/attachments/ Tool: PEP8 Style Checker Processed Files: reviewboard/attachments/ reviewboard/attachments/
In your description, there are a couple changes I want to make. First, it should always be "Review Board" (not "Reviewboard"). Second, your second paragraph in the description is full of fragments and an incorrect use of a semicolon. A basic fix for this would be to change the semicolon to a comma and combine it into one sentence. Nicer might be to use shorter sentences but be a bit more specific about what happens.
- Description:
~ Extensions that create a MimetypeHandler subclass can throw exceptions inside Reviewboard. The parts of Reviewboard that call those methods have been sandboxed.
~ Extensions that create a MimetypeHandler subclass can throw exceptions inside Review Board. The sections of Review Board that call those methods have been sandboxed.
~ Now when a MimetypeHandler subclass from an extension throws an exception; Reviewboard logs the errors with enough information to find which method in the MimetypeHandler subclass threw the exception.
~ Now when a MimetypeHandler subclass from an extension throws an exception, and Review Board logs the errors. The error logs give enough information to find which method in the MimetypeHandler subclass threw the exception.