Mock documents for review request exports.

Review Request #6413 — Created Oct. 6, 2014 and submitted



For the extension to add review request exports, we want to (as of right now) support two file types-PDF and CSV. I have uploaded two files (one per file type) so we can discuss what needs to be added/removed/modified.


Description From Last Updated

Y'know, thinking about it right now, I don't think this is CSV... like, a CSV file is something that could …


The filenames and the URLs to the files might be.

  1. I'm not sure if all the information I list is possible to retrieve. And secondly, for CSV, I don't list any of the comments associated with a review because it seems against the natural CSV structure/hierarhy. Unless it is okay, for example, to input the data like:
    "[Review] this is a review.", "[comment] this is a comment on the review.", "[comment] this is the second comment on the reivew".
    NEW ROW: "[Review] this is another review.", "[comment] etc.."

  2. mockument.txt
    "Review Request #1234"
    Show all issues

    Y'know, thinking about it right now, I don't think this is CSV... like, a CSV file is something that could / should map properly to a spreadsheet...

    You mention this in your notes, but the many-comments (or bugs, or attachment links) is kind of opposing the way CSV generally works.

    I think a better way of doing this might be to visualize it as being inserted in an Excel spreadsheet, and extrapolating the CSV format from that.

    Can you create a spreadsheet, and toss this review request data into it and see how it looks? I imagine that's what folks are using these CSV files for anyways - for putting into spreadsheets. We might as well try to find a way of formatting it to look good.

  3. mockument.txt
    "Test.jpg","Test.txt" // don't think this is needed..?
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    The filenames and the URLs to the files might be.

    1. Sorry, not filenames - I meant captions.

  1. Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you on this, Mark. I think your second mockument (heh) looks like a great place to start. Let's roll with that.

Review request changed

Status: Closed (submitted)
