Only include unpublished review requests in the API when requested.

Review Request #6360 — Created Sept. 23, 2014 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


Recently, a change was added that resulted in /api/review-requests/
returning all unpublished review requests for all users, when requested
by an admin. This could impact existing scripts, and potentially make
things harder for day-to-day work by users who happen to also be admins.

Now, the caller must pass ?show-all-unpublished=1 to get this new
behavior. That allows scripts to opt-in to this only when needed.

The flag on ReviewRequestManager was also renamed to
show_all_unpublished. If set, the resulting query is actually
simplified and doesn't do any public= or submitter= checks. Previously,
it resulted in a query like public = true OR submitter = <user> OR public = false,
which was unnecessary.

The renaming of the flag also helps clear up confusion about its
relation to accessing private review requests (private by way of
group/repository settings).

All unit tests pass.
