Add form in admin site for AutomaticRunGroups.

Review Request #6221 — Created Aug. 12, 2014 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded




AutomaticRunGroups can now be created, modified, or deleted through the admin
site by specifying a name, file regex, profile(s), local site (optional), and
repository (optional). See the attached screenshots.

  • Tried adding AutomaticRunGroups with invalid fields (a missing required
    field (name, file regex, profile), an invalid file regex, and a local site
    that does not exist), and saw the appropriate errors on the form.
  • Added AutomaticRunGroups with valid fields, and saw them listed in the admin
    panel and in the database.
  • Displayed the list of AutomaticRunGroups.
  • Modified an AutomaticRunGroup and saved the changes.
  • Deleted AutomaticRunGroups, and saw them removed.