Changing the look of file attachment thumbnail

Review Request #6119 — Created July 20, 2014 and discarded — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


With the new "Update" button to upload the fresh revision of the file, there are too many elements in the top row, which hides the name of the file. We can hide those actions behind the dropdown button.

There is an ongoing discussion of whether the top right corner should be rounded or straight. Right now it's straight per Davids suggestion, but I keep keep liking the all-rounded option. Both have small drawbacks: * With all rounded this might not really seem like a dropdown. * With top right straight it's not symmetrical.
See screenshots to make your opinion.

This is just one field in the CSS though, which can be changed at any time.

This review is aimed for project branch right now.

Works now - tested all buttons, ensured UI doesn't have side effects like