Move the Djblets release notes into ReST files.

Review Request #6067 — Created July 5, 2014 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded




This removes the old NEWS file and splits up all the release notes into
ReST files. These can later be shown directly on the Review Board
website, instead of having to go through the NEWS files on This will also make it easier for us to link
to Djblets release notes in other docs.

Each of these files were copy/pasted from their NEWS sections, with some
macros and regexes used to transform them into the proper format. I also
went through some of them and fixed up styling, and added appropriate
ReST markup where needed.

Built the docs. Didn't see any errors.

Skimmed through each doc page and didn't see anything glaringly wrong.

I don't expect a lot of review into each individual release note file. There's
a lot of them, and they're basically the same content as what we shipped, but
with some backticks and domains sprinkled here and there.
