SVN post-commit hook script to translate commit message into command line parameters for post-review script

Review Request #589 — Created Oct. 10, 2008 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board SVN (deprecated)


My company performs post-commit reviews, so I have written a Subversion post-commit hook script that translates a log message into parameters for the post-review script.  post-review in turn acts upon a repository URL.  This script is based off of, and recognizes the similar commands for pulling bug numbers.

This script relies on changes to post-review submitted in review 609.  It also allows a base path to be supplied, which is not yet handled by post-review but for which I will submit another review request.
Posted review requests to local review board instance using configured SVN repository URL.  Tested with subversion 1.4.4 and 1.5.2.