Ability to update attachments

Review Request #5824 — Created May 24, 2014 and discarded — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


This review allows users to update attachments with new version. See https://reviewboard.hackpad.com/Reviewing-attachments-tbfh4oiwTHB for description or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anX_rQKWSp0 for a quick demo.

Review includes: * Change to a schema to track sequences of file attachments * Modified attachment creation code to correctly assign the new parameters * Modified display logic to only show the latest element of each attachment sequence * Modified attachment review pages to include the slider

This review is aimed at project branch (see testing section for the problems description)

Performed various scenarios of adding/updating/reviewing attachments.

Current problems: * There is no beautiful UI * We are reloading the page each time slider is changed - API should be extended to load the necessary data dynamically.