Add extra context for added and deleted empty files.

Review Request #5802 — Created May 12, 2014 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded




Review Board could not handle added or deleted empty files in SVN, Mercurial,
and Perforce diffs since the diff output from svn diff/hg diff did not
provide enough context on empty files. This change adds extra processing in
RBTools to generate a diff with extra information on any added or deleted empty
files, if the Review Board server has the empty_files capability for the
SCM tool in question.

The original SVN diff output of an added/deleted empty file was:

Index: foo

After this change, the SVN diff of an added empty file becomes:

Index: foo\t(added)
--- foo\t(<base_revision>)
+++ foo\t(<tip_revision>)

For Mercurial, the diff of an added empty file is now:

diff -r <base_revision> -r <tip_revision> foo
--- /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/foo\t<date>

For Perforce, the diff of an added empty file is:

==== //depot/foo#0 ==A== //depot/foo ====

Ran rbt post on a RB server with the empty_files capabilities with different
SVN, Mercurial, and Perforce diffs, and verified that the modified diffs were
as expected:
- Diff with 1 added empty file
- Diff with 1 added empty file, 1 added non-empty file
- Diff with 1 deleted empty file
- Diff with 1 deleted empty file, 1 deleted non-empty file
- Diff with 1 added empty file, 1 deleted empty file
- Diff with 1 added empty file, 1 added non-empty file, 1 deleted empty file,
1 deleted non-empty file, 1 modified file

Ran rbt post on a RB server without the empty_files capabilities, and
verified that the generated diffs did not include any extra information on
added/deleted empty files. These added/deleted empty files were not included in
the review requests.

Ran unit tests. More testing was done in /r/5785 as well.
