Add bugs_closed option to post-review

Review Request #580 — Created Oct. 8, 2008 and submitted


Review Board SVN (deprecated)


Added "-b BUGS_CLOSED, --bugs_closed=BUGS_CLOSED" command line option to post-review to allow the bugs_closed field to be filled out from command line submission of a review.
Testing against a local reviewboard server to confirm:
a) post-review --help displays new options as expected.
b) post-review -b "12345, 12234" automatically fills out the Bugs field.
c) post-review --bugs_closed="12345, 12234" automatically fills out the Bugs field.

An unexpected bonus is that the bugs are automatically sorted into ascending order in the generated review.
  1. Committed as r1524. I didn't include -b because we don't have short options for most of the review-request fields that can be filled in already.