Review Board Mobile: Review Request Page Box

Review Request #5655 — Created March 25, 2014 and discarded — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


Review Board Mobile: Review Request Page Box

Made the review page (/r/:id) responsive, so it can be used on a mobile device
without hassle.


  • Viewport zoom is disabled, so that mobile devices will not automatically
    try to adjust the rendering to fit everything into the page. This makes
    the text much easier to read and at its natural size.
  • Action bar (close, update, review, etc.) responds naturally to size, and
    collapses naturally into a pulldown menu bar when there is not enough
    horizontally. Since the number of elements here depends on the state of
    the user/review (e.g. logged in, etc.) and the width of the element is
    unknown prior to rendering, this change is taken care of by javascript.
    It also listens to the resize event, so when orientation is changed on
    the phone, it adapts accordingly.
  • The Information box that is usually on the right handside of the review
    detail box responds to screensize using css media queries. If there is
    not enough space, the box collapses into a toggler which can be used to
    open or close the box. This also saves space for limited screen size on
  • Writing reviews and comments is more natural to the mobile interface, as
    the box fits nicely in the screen and the text size is natural. CSS
    media queries have been used to adjust the size and the modal responds
    to the screen size accordingly.
  • The diff viewer does not extrude from the review box and create empty
    white space in the webpage, and fixes the scrolling of the page so the
    user does not go off page. This is done by making the inside content
    scrollable sideways. This user interaction is more natural, because it
    does not get in the way of the user when the user is navigatint the page
    but if necessary the user can scroll to view the diffs.
  • Margins and paddings have been reduced on mobile due to the fact that
    often times the screen size is very limited, and we want to maximise the
    available screen space.

This change generally reflects the user interface standards expected on mobile,
which is to collapse unnecessary content and let content be accessible but not
get in the way of the user.

The changes for the diff viewer can be seen from a video that can be accessed
on the dropbox link below:

Tested on:
- iPhone 5S (real hardware)
- desktop browser, changing the screen width
- chrome device emulator (which can emulate different mobile devices)