Execute subcommands using the "C" locale.

Review Request #5498 — Created Feb. 18, 2014 and submitted




Execute subcommands using the "C" locale.

A while back, we changed rbtools to exec the various command-line tools it uses
using the en_US locale (so that we wouldn't get diffs with localized strings in
them). This is nice, but annoying when users don't have the en_US locale on
their system. This change updates things to use the "C" locale instead.

Ran unit tests.

  1. This is triggering some memory... I don't remember if it was RBTools or something at VMware, but something broke, or maybe got very slow, when we forced to "C".

    Probably VMware... Do you happen to remember?

    1. Digging through ancient history, we never had it set to "C". The patch that introduced en_US did so directly (before then we never specified a locale). If there are tools that break or get very slow then there's some huge problem with the world and I'm quitting programming.

    2. Every so often, I want to hit Like on a comment.

    3. Unfortunately, this change made impossible to get any localized strings from VCS commit comment. They are displayed as '?????' instead of '??????'.

Review request changed

Status: Closed (submitted)

Change Summary:

Pushed to release-0.5.x (7bf376c).