Improve the output for the Markdown UI.

Review Request #5472 — Created Feb. 14, 2014 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


The Markdown UI's line generator for rendered source didn't handle lists
very well, and had some other less-than-ideal rendering issues. We now
have a more specialized line emitter for rendered Markdown, which has
been moved to for use by other code.

On top of that, source was rendered using some non-Markdown lexer.
Pygments, it turns out, doesn't have a Markdown lexer, oddly.
ReStructured Text is really close, but not a complete match, and could
lead to some confusion. So, we're using the plain-text renderer for now.

Tested with a Markdown file using lists, code blocks, headers, and other

Also used these with additional testing for a new UI making use of Markdown
line iteration.
