Fix issues with successive calls to .create() or .update() on resources.

Review Request #5269 — Created Jan. 16, 2014 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded




Fix issues with successive calls to .create() or .update() on resources.

The create and update methods had a parameter data which had a default value
of {}. In the body of these methods, we used data.update(...), which would
write to that default value. This means that successive calls would include
data that wasn't intended.

This was hit when using 'rbt post -u CLN' to update a public review request
with a perforce repository. We'd update the review request resource with
'changenum', and then try to update the draft with 'public', but that would end
up also sending 'changenum' to the draft resource, which doesn't have that

Reproduced the case in the bug. After this fix, I can use 'rbt post -u CLN' to
update and publish a review request all in one go.
